Chapter Fourty-Four.

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****4 Years Later****

Brad and I have been together for a long time now, he's 19 and I'm 18.

Hard to believe I've known these boys THAT long, huh?

I've been kidnapped and beaten about 5 times. Each time the boys stopped at nothing to get me back. Good news is, all the gangs realized they won't get me and gave up!

And Mitch, he ran away. Im still sad about it but, yeah.

Over all, everything is great. I stopped basketball again. I was forced to, I broke my ankle. I don't think I can go back, its too messed up.

Right now, Im at the hospital. Zayn was shot in the chest. I was beside him holding his hand and crying.

He hasn't woken up yet.

"Jess, it's time to go." Brad says, standing me up. I shake my head and sit back down. "no."

"Baby, he's going to be alright. Hes sleeping right now."

"I'm not leaving until I KNOW!" I snap. He looks at the boys. They all sit, "were not leaving until we know too."

Brad sighs and picks me up and sets me down on his lap. His arms go around me and give me a little squeeze.

Incase your wondering, yes, we did intercourse throughout our time. Brad and I. And each time was more amazing than anything.

Brad and I have got more tattoos and piercing. I remember I only had the diamond and the Minnie Mouse one that matches Brads Mickey Mouse one. But now, were both tattoo covered.

I have a light sleeve of tattoos(A/N: You can make it whatever.:) some on my side, waist, and back. Brad is just as tattooed as the boys, which is a lot.

I got spider bites, and my ears pierced. Brad got his eyebrow done and his ears gauged. He also got the sides of his head buzz cut, and the top cut short enough to were he can quiff it. I got mine cut about 3 inches, layered, and more hair added to my bangs and got it thinned. It was annoying.

The boys love our look. They even said don't go over board, which we promised not to.

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