Chapter Twenty-Five.

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I feel a warm gust of wind wash over me, i look up and see a heater there, Brad says, "must be nearing winter. They turned the heat on."

I sigh, "just what we need, huh?"

He slightly laughs, "i know right."


Well, i'm sweating my ass off. It's worse than in the closet! I'm dehydrated, starving, hurting in my ribs and hand, and scared till i'm shaking.

They didn't come back either, not once i heard or saw them.

I tried multiple times to get my phone, but this stupid ass beam is in my way.

"Do you smell that?"
"Smell what?" I say, then breath in trying to smell what he does.
"It's a gas leak, could knock us out."

My head shoots to him, "what? No!!"

"Yes, i'm sorry baby, but we're going to knocked out."

I look down, "no." I repeat.

He looks at me wit those eyes of his. The ones that can calm anybody. The same blue stare that keeps me calm while i'm pissed to the extreme.

"Calm down, we will get out of here."

I try to but i can't. If we breath in too much if this, we could die.

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