Chapter Nineteen.

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There was a door opening, i hear a bark. I look and see Mitch there. I smile and stand up, "heey cutie!"

He jumps up and tackles me, i fall back and he climbs on me and licks my face, i giggle, "that's enough."

He climbs back down and sniffs me. He nudges my back, i laugh and sit up cross legged, Mitch sits on my lap. I look up and see Drew, "hey Drew!"
"Hello! How are you?"
"Good thanks. For watching him really." I scratch his head.
"Anything for you."

We talk a little more, he leaves and Harry's phone rings.

"Hello?" He says, Mitch stands and sit's next to Brad. I sit down too and hold Brad's hand, our hands resting on Mitch's back.

"Who is speaking?" Harry says, "The SWAT team? Why?.....really?.....who exactly.......oh okay sir! We'll be right on that.... Alright, we'll get it don't worry....goodbye." He hangs up and faces us.

"That was the SWAT team. They apparently need us to steal something for them. It's top secret and is being guarded with two mens lives. They need us to go and steal what they need. But they said only two people."

"Who and what?"

"I don't know, and it's a tape with information about a murder. The people who were talking were being stupid and recorded it. They said that that tape can change history about a murder."

"Wow." We all say.

"I think Brad and Jessica should go." Zayn pipes in.
Harry looks at us, he thinks for a few seconds, "yeah, they're quiet, fast and aren't afraid. He said to leave ASAP."
"Which is now?"
We nod, standing up we get our shoes on. I grab our guns and some extra ammo, "where is this place?"
"It's almost an hour away, and you have to walk. If we drive they may be suspicious."
We nod in agreement. He tells us the exact location.
"Be careful. Stay on guard." Harry hugs us along with the others.
"We will. We promise." We both say.

I take a deep breath, this is really nerve wracking.

Opening the door, Mitch barks. I pet him for a few and leave with Brad.

I put the safety lock on the gun, then out it in my pants on my back. I pull my shirt over it, "do you think Harry made the right choice to make us go?"
"I think so." He says with a shrug.
"So, we have to raid this place for a cassette tape?"
"Yep, but we need some way to hide it, so they won't see it."
"Well, i could keep it."
"We'll find a way."

He holds my hand as we continue to walk.


"Well, this is it." I sigh and look at the building in front of us. It was HUGE.

"Is anyone home?" He asks.

"I don't know, but be quiet. Look in the windows."

We super quietly walk up to a window on the side of the house. There it was really high grass and it was itchy. I put my hands on the window's ledge, which was far up, "babe, boost me." I whisper.

Bead gives me a boost and i climb onto the window seat. But why would they have a window seat on the outside of a window?

I look in and see some men in there, they had their backs to us.

I watch as they talk, it seems to be. I lean on the window, but when i did, it made the window move and hit against the other window, making it cling.

I jump down quickly and push Brad to the ground as well as me, "wh-"

A few seconds later, i slowly rise up and see no one there.

I sigh in relief, "there's people."

"No shit p, you are the most clumsy person when it comes to this shit." Brad jokes, i blush and kiss him, "let's see if there is anything in the back."

We slowly walk, with our guns handy, to the back of the huge building.

We get to the back and Brad looks around the corner, he turns to me and lowers his gun, "there's a stair well, a back door and a window. All in the same place of the building. Which should we go to?"

"Well, if we take the stair well, we don't know what's behind the door. If we take the door, the same thing. But, the window, it's direct and quiet."

He nods, "let's go."
"Wait." I stop him. He looks at me, "is it okay to be scared?"
"Yes, i'm scared too, but we can do this."

He kisses me, my nerves being settled almost instantly, i pull back and smile, "relaxed your nerves?"
"Yeah." I nod.
"It's okay." He says after kissing me once more.

I look and see people, they had their backs to us, but i heard what they are saying, "the SWAT is trying to get it."
"No shit idiot! Why did we even record it on a cassette tape?"
"So we don't forget the information."
The man sighs, "where do we put it?"
"In that safe box."
The other man nods, "what's the combo?"

I quickly take out my phone, and turn the ringer and volume down, i listen, "39-5-31." I type it in as he says it. I save it in my notes.

"Babe, they're pitting it in a safe. I got the combo."
"Nice love!"

They walk back inside, they lock the door and the stair well door, "guess we're forced to go in the window." I mumble.

We go to the window, i look up at the window. Yes. The window is two stories up. I huff.

"Steady on." Brad says as he grabs my waist and lifts me. I grab the fencing and the vining. I start to climb and see Brad follow me.

I stop and take a break, my arms and legs are tired. Brad comes up beside me and smiles. I smile too and kiss his head.

He goes to the window, while i finish climbing up to him. I look up and see the window goes straight into the venting in the ceiling.

"This is great babe!" Brad smiles at me.
"Mhm." I nod.

We both work to open the window, we get it open, "you go first." He says quietly.

I nod and he helps me climb in the vents. I climb in a little to give him room to also.

We both get in and close the window, leave no evidence behind.

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