As I walked into the bright kitchen my eyes shut.
Until I heard a low growl and a loud bark. I turned to see a huge animal that was the size of a lion, and hard to imagine if he weren't in front of me.
His fur was a golden yellow, with light brown paws that stuck out with long, sharp claws.
He had the pattern of a zebra, in light brown, over his golden fur, and green eyes that stuck out from under his hairy eyebrows.
His teeth peeked out from his mouth, under his dark brown nose.
His fuzzy face showed a mad expression.
He looked part dog, part lion, part hungry, and coming at me!
"Ahhh!" I screamed. I started to back away slowly.
Then I felt a person come from behind me. "What's going on?" Miku said suddenly.
I jumped. "There's that thing in your house!" I shouted, pointing to the beast.
He walked next to me. "Him? He's not a thing, he's my pet Phix." He explained.
I loosened up. "Oh. Where's he from? And what what is he?" I asked.
"He's from Pawrawl, and he's a...well...he's Phix." He answered.
Phix came closer. I jumped back.
"Don't worry, he doesn't bite." Miku informed.
I looked back at Phix's mouth. His sharp teeth sticking out. Growling.
"Phix! Be nice! She's our guest." Miku commanded.
Phix whimpered. Miku started to rub Phix on the head.
I laughed as his fuzzy tail waved back and forth and his head fur shook like a tree.
Phix stared at me, not with a death stare, but with his bright eyes and his tongue sticking out.
He came closer with his wet, slobbery tongue, and started to lick my face.
I laughed. "Ew, Phix!" I joked.
I pet him on the head, feeling his thick, fuzzy, fur.