Where am I?
You're asleep.
Why's it so dark in here?
It's your mind.
Oh. I can't see anything though.
Because your asleep.
Okay. Who are you?
You don't recognize me?
Not reall- wait....Miku?
You sound different.
So do you.
I can't see you.
I can't either.
Should we wake up?
No. I brought you here.
I want to explain......everything
I shouldn't have brought you here. Any of you.
Because it's illegal?
Not just illegal.
What's the big deal?
Is there a punishment?
What is it?
The maze.
The maze?
They will put us in the maze.
That girl we met earlier?
Yes. Svetlana Vord. Daughter, of Vincent Vord.
Aka the guy who hates my guts.
Oh. Why?
He's been trying to catch me for centuries.
Once he does, I'm not going anywhere.
Why'd he want to catch you?
Zarbou fruit. The red one we were supposed to find.
What about it?
It's special. Shahinz only keep their powers if they eat it every year.
The Vord family, the last of their kind, also need the fruit.
But he was selfish. He kept the tree to himself, somewhere hidden.
But I've been finding it every year, and every year he tries to catch me.
But you get away?
Yes. But he caught me this time. It's over.
Why didn't your parents help you?
They gave up. Years ago. They've accepted the human life.
That's sad.
Yeah...and that's why I couldn't take them. They thought it was too dangerous.
They only wanted whats best for you.
Yeah, and they were right.
I'm sorry.
No, I'm sorry. I don't even know if we'll ever get out of here.
Yes. We. Will.