December 30th
I woke up by the smell of fresh baked muffins.
I looked around. I wasn't at the rink anymore, and I certainly wasn't home.
The room was small, with wooden walls, and gave off a cozy feeling.
The smell of fresh baked goods filled the air, mixing with the oaky flavored room.
It was filled with shelves full of books, and piles of fun knickknacks and weird items.
I sat up. I noticed I was on a bed, covered with loads of different mismatching blankets and quilts.
On the other side of the room, was Callie. Asleep on a chair, that was a matching wooden color.
Just then, the rounded door opened. A small, timid, middle-aged lady holding a bowl and a spoon walked in.
She smelled of warm sugar and sweet pea.
Her messy brown hair tangled together with a light green ribbon, and she wore a pale yellow apron over her spring green dress.
Her bright blue eyes stuck out of her flour covered face, like a sapphire stone in the snow.
She smiled at me. "Are you alright?" She asked as she continued stirring in her bowl.
Her voice soft and sweet, like a fluttering butterfly in a flower garden.
I got out from under the covers. "Yes, I'm fine now. Do you know where I am?" I asked politely.
"I'd sure hope so, it's my house after all." She answered, laughing at my ridiculous question.
I laughed with her, feeling embarrassed.
I was about to ask her one of my many questions, but she stopped me before I could.
"Here, taste this." She said.
She scooped a small ball of the stuff in the bowl with her spoon and walked toward me.
I bit off a small part of the chewy dough and examined it with my tongue.
It tasted like a sugar cookie dough, sweet and delicious. Soft and full of moisture.
"It's really good." I said as I returned the spoon.
"So I have a few questio-" I said but she cut me off. "Needs more sugar!" She said suddenly.
She turned around with the bowl and spoon, and headed toward the door.
As she opened it, the sweet aroma from the kitchen filled the room.
At the same time, a boy about Callie's age walked in.
He wore a dark violet jacket over his white t-shirt and navy blue jeans.
He had the most peculiar pointed ears that stuck out from his dark brown hair.
He had blue eyes like the lady earlier. But he didn't smell like her, he smelled like blueberries.
"Hey." He said, as he took a book from one of the shelves.
"Hi, so can I ask you a few questions?" I asked, by now super curious.
He looked up from his book. "Uh, sure?" He answered, not knowing what I had to ask.
I took the other empty chair across from him, next to Callie.
I sat down, and took a deep breath. "Okay, so first of all, who are you? Where am I? And why am I here?" I asked really fast.
He didn't look confused or impressed. Instead, he nodded as if he heard me clearly.
"My name's Miku, Miku Keesh. You're in our house. And you're here because I brought you here, from the flood." He answered, just as fast.
He spoke so fast I was still processing for a couple more seconds, then I asked more.
"You brought me here? And Callie? By yourself?"I asked him, noticing his small, feeble arms.
He looked at me with a "duh" face. "Yeah, I did. I'm a Shahinz, and I had Phix." He answered.
I had no idea what he meant, so I stared at him for a few seconds with a puzzled face.
"You're a Shahinz?" I asked, not sure if that was a race, or a disease.
He nodded. "Okay. But what does that even mean?!?!" I asked again, irritated.
"Um, it means I'm one of the Shahinz..." He answered, not sure why I was confused.
I mentally facepalmed myself.
"What is the Shahinz then?" I asked once more, trying to limit useless answers.
He closed his book. He stared at me closely. "You don't know?" He asked.
"Know what?!" I asked, still waiting for my answer.
He suddenly looked at Callie, who was still asleep.
"Let's talk somewhere, private." He suggested, glancing over at Callie.
I nodded, more confused than ever.
He stood first, and opened a small hidden door behind a curtain, gesturing me to follow.
I followed. He led me into a dark room, and closed the door.
" I can't see anything." I said into the nothingness.
He turned on a flickering lamp, and pulled a chair out for me to sit.
I sat and examined the small, rounded room. The room itself was tiny, but the ceiling went all the way up to the top of the house.
The walls were undecorated and dull, unlike the previous one.
The only furniture was a couple chairs and a table with a lamp, decides the round bookshelf that wrapped around the entire room.
Miku walked around the shelf, searching for a book. When he found it, he pulled it out.
He walked toward the table and placed a large, dusty book on the surface.
He pulled out another chair, and placed it across from me and the table, and sat down.
He stared me deep into the eyes. "It's a very long story."