We were given a room in the castle to prepare for the game.
There was not much to prepare actually, just a few essentials.
We all changed into a more durable outfit, and packed a few weapons.
I packed a few throwing stars, and a mini crossbow and arrows.
Of corse, I barely knew how to use them.
My "team" on the other hand, Callie especially, has been taking lessons for the last few years.
And I'm just assuming Miku has been, too.
Even Koko is more coordinated than me.
I walked into Koko's room where everyone was supposed to meet.
Callie was dressed completely in black, and carried an ax and a few spears in a sack.
Good luck with that.
Miku, also dressed in black, had a pack of assorted metal throwing things, and a few daggers.
What is this? A video game?
The only one with more reasonable weapons was Koko.
She carried a large metal shield, for defense, and a metal stick, for uh, poking.
Just as we were about to leave, the door creaked open.
Out came someone we did not want to see.
Usually dressed in black, and still is, carrying a sack of metal spears.
Svetlana. The one who tricked us. Lied to us. Gave us to his father.
Anger raged inside me.
She still walked in, closing the door behind her.
"H-hi." She greeted.
I walked up to her, arms crossed.
"What do you want?" I asked.
She looked down. "I'm sorry I told on you guys. I really am. It's just that he's my dad and all."
The anger inside me faded a bit.
"We'll you should be! But, I guess since you're sorry.....We forgive you." I replied.
She smiled. We had a moment, but that didn't last long. Miku came up to us.
"I don't believe you. You've been after me for a long time." He said.
" I know, and I won't do it again." She answered.
"Prove it!" Miku said.
"Yeah, prove it!" Repeated Callie, joining our chat.
She sighed.
"I am. I'm going to enter the game with you." She answered, pointing to her spears.
There was a short silence after that, everyone was thinking, including me.
Should we let her help us? Is she planning something? Does her dad know?
Suddenly the silence was interrupted by Svetlana.
"I promise I'm not planning anything, ask my dad. He's mad at me." She explained.
I nodded, now feeling a little bad for her.
"So, can she?" I asked, looking at Callie and Miku.
"Please" I added
"Oh alright!" Callie agreed.
"And you, Miku?" I asked.
He thought for a moment.
"Fine..." He gave in.
Double Yes!
"Awesome, now our team's complete." I said.
I stuck out my hand in the middle, palm down.
Next, Callie put hers on top, then Koko.
Svetlana put hers on next, and we all stared at Miku with encouraging smiles.
Finally, his hand was last to go on top.
"With this team, we're so gonna win this!"