Blindfolds and metal chains tugged us forward.
Only to be taken off again when we arrived inside a building. No. More like a castle.
The ceiling seemed to go up a mile high, with flags and chandeliers hanging down from it.
The room was made of stone, and the size of a football field, with many doors left and right, leading to more huge rooms.
There was a long red velvet carpet leading straight forward.
What was at the end of it, we couldn't see from here.
But we were already being escorted down it the long, elegant rug.
As we walked, the sound of chains held by guards of some sort trailed behind us.
Finally at a point where we could see the end of the carpet, we did not like what we saw.
A marvel throne was a centerpiece between two silver statues, one of a horse, the other unknown.
On the throne you may ask? A large man with a cold face, wearing a cape.
Vincent Vord.
An evil smile on his face as he greeted us.
"Hello children." He said.
"We're not children." Corrected Callie from behind me.
His smile grew bigger.
"I see you've gotten yourself in a bit of trouble." Vord said, already knowing the answer.
I slightly nodded.
His smile faded and he stood up.
"Do you children know the consequence, of bringing mortals here?" He asked, facing one of the statues.
We nodded once again, having no words.
"And who is responsible for this?" He asked again, facing the other way.
All eyes turned to Miku. He came up in front of me, looking down.
Vord turned to him, all his humor fading into a dark stare.
"After all theses years. All the trial and error finally paid off!" Vord exclaimed.
Miku sighed, but didn't say a word.
Suddenly, the evil grin returned to Vord as he raised his arm.
"Guards! Capture him! We've finally caught him!" Vord practically screamed.
Two of the guys from the cell came out and started to pick Miku up.
The anger inside me rose when I saw behind Vincent's throne, a thin line of black. Svetlana.
She disappeared from my sight, hiding behind the throne.
They were about to carry him away, probably forever if no one does anything.
"Wait!" I shouted, running in front of Miku and the guards.
Vincent stared at me. "Well, what is it?" He asked, annoyed.
I searched the room for lies. Distractions. Anything!
"Uh...well...." I stalled.
Just then, to my rescue, I received a mind message.
Tell them you're not human.
"I'm not human...." I repeated.
Vincent came closer to me, bending down to my height.
So close he could whisper something to me.
Then what are you?
I received.
But not from Miku. From Vord.
What should I send back? Well, I can't tell him so...
None of your business
Yep. Took me a minute to send that.
His grin once again returned, and he backed away.
"Well, I see we have a mixup..." He began.
Sure do! Let my friend go! I thought silently.
"Afraid I can't do that miss." He said.
Mindreader. Typical.
"But I tell you what I can do." He said.
"I'll enter you, and your friends, in The Maze Game." He offered.
Miku got out of the guards grip and next to me.
"No! Not that!" Miku shouted.
Vord's gaze went from mine to Miku's.
"Sorry, that's my final decision." He almost teased.
What's that? I wondered.
"It's a game. A very hard one to win indeed,I should know, I designed it myself. But it's not impossible. The goal of the game is to survive and get out of the maze. To do that you need to find and capture a special stone, called the Imagi stone. When you do, the stone gives you what you really want. You lose when all your friends and you die, or if you fail to get the stone by midnight of the day you start." Vord explained.
"And the next game, lucky for you, starts in an hour. You will have precisely six hours to stay alive and capture the Imagi stone." He added.
You've got to be kidding me. I thought.
"I'm not, miss Belle. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be gone." He said as he turned away from us.
And with a flap of his cape he disappeared.