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All rights go to the amazing mind that is Cassandra Clare for all the characters in this story.

Jace's POV

"Are you ready for this?" I asked Isabelle as we looked up at the Asylum. She took a small visible gulp.

"I guess. I feel bad enough holding off coming back this long. We said we would be back the next day when we last saw her. It's been three days. But I won't lie, this place freaks me out." She took a sharp breath out. "Let's just get this over with." She said, walking towards the gate. We soon realised we had no actual plan to get inside. Last time, Isabelle had posed as Clary's sister and a woman had let us inside but this time we had to go in with our glamours because we were staying the night. We had to go in without anyone knowing otherwise they would eventually make us leave. I walked to the intercom by the gate and repetitively pressed it down.

"That's your plan? Ringing the doorbell." Alec said, staring at me. I shrugged. Isabelle smirked. I kept pressing down on it. Eventually, after my finger started to ache, the same woman from the other day came walking down the path to the gate. She frowned as she got closer, seeing nobody was there. Or at least nobody she could see. She got out a key from her pocket and walked even closer to the gate, unlocking it. I stopped pressing the button as she walked out and me, Alec and Izzy all walked past her, through the gate. She frowned at the intercom, confused to why it was beeping. We all looked back at her for a moment.

"I can't believe that worked." I said, quietly. Turning back round, I followed Alec and Izzy as they walked inside the building. We once again came to another gate which was conveniently already open with a guard walking though. We all rushed over and slipped through as he closed the gate again, it locking with a buzz.

"That was all easier than I thought it would be." Alec said.

"Hmm. And you doubted my efforts." I said. He gave an eye roll in my direction before we all walked down the hallway and over to Clary's room. The door was already opened and so we walked straight in. As we got inside, you could see in a second that she wasn't inside the small room. Isabelle sent a frown my way before walking back out the room. I did a quick scan over what I had heard been called the day room, but once again saw she wasn't there.

"Where else is there to go around here?" Izzy asked. Alec and I shrugged. We walked down the hallway again, coming to many other locked doors except one. Inside was what looked like a music room. We again, scanned around, only seeing one person inside. Isabelle made sure nobody else was inside the room before she drew a line across her glamour rune and made herself visible. She walked across the room and over to a girl sitting by the piano. I recognised her as the girl that had come into Clary's room the first time we had come here. Clary had given the girl her pills, which she had actually wanted. "Excuse me." Isabelle said, quietly. She was nervous. Demons? Not a problem. Crazy girl in an insane asylum? Get her the fuck out. The girl turned. I noticed she was holding that same doll I had seen her with before. She stroked it's hair, smoothing it down. She then grabbed the head and twisted it around, revealing the dolls disfigured face. Isabelle grimaced. "Okay then." She said. "Anyway, I was wondering if you..." She trailed off, seeing that the girl wasn't paying any attention. "Hello?" She said. "Hello?" She repeated, waving her hand slightly.

"You won't get a straight answer out of her." Another voice spoke up from behind us. We all spun round, seeing another girl. I knew Isabelle was glad she hadn't been caught but could sense she was also not wanting to talk to another patient.

"Well, then maybe you can help me." Isabelle said.

"What'cha need?" She asked.

"I'm looking for Clary. She's my sister."

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