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All rights go to the amazing mind that is Cassandra Clare for all the characters in this story.

Clary's POV

I walked past the others and inside the Institute. "Are you okay? What happened to you?" Jace asked as he followed behind me. I stopped as I got inside and turned to them.

"Oh, you know, the usual. Getting taken by a group of crazy demons who all serve this higher being that wants to take my powers. And me calling something crazy is saying something." They all looked at me in a sort of shock-horror. "Anyway, nothing I couldn't take care of and on a good note, I think I found something that is going to help us." They all kept looking at me as I took the bag off from around me and reached inside, pulling out the journal.

"What is that?" Hodge asked.

"This is hopefully what we need to find out what the creature was, so we can kill it." I opened up the book and showed them some of the pages. "This has all types of information in it, stuff on demons and downworlders, things we know are real but also many other things we have never heard of. I'm hoping there will be something on the creature."

"Where did you find it?" Jace asked.

"Well, after I killed all the demons, I busted out of this cage they had me in and I had a look around. It was this apartment and I found the book on a desk with some other things. It might help us." Hodge nodded.

"This is good." He said.

"Yeah." I agreed. "I will start looking through after I've cleaned up." I said looking down at myself.

"Good and we will help too." Hodge carried on. I nodded and passed him the book.

"Okay." I said. "But it might be a little harder than you think. Although the pages that I showed you were in English, not all of them are. Some in German, French, a few in Latin I saw." He nodded again.

"We'll get started." He said, then we all walked down the hall. I turned away from the others and went down to my bedroom. I quickly stripped down and stepped into the shower, washing off all the blood. Once I was done, I stepped out and got changed again before going back to the library. As I walked in, I saw all the others hovering over the book, looking through. I walked over.

"Anything yet?" I asked. Hodge shook his head as he looked up at me.

"I'm thinking maybe we just continue this tomorrow. It's been a long day, we are all tired." I sighed.

"Alright, okay. You can all go to bed. I might just stay up for a little while though, have a look through."

"Okay." Hodge said with a nod. "Night." He said as he walked to the door. We all said the same as Isabelle and Alec went too. I looked to Jace who was still in the room.

"Sure you're alright staying up alone?" I smiled.

"I'm fine. I know you're tired." He gave a nod.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." He said goodnight and left the room. I sat down at Hodge's desk and began reading.

Jace's POV

I was woken up by a pounding on my door. "Jace! Jace! Get up!" I heard Alec shouting. I jumped out of bed and ran to the door. I saw Alec and Isabelle standing there slightly out of breath. "Clary found something." I quickly, ran back into my room, throwing on some clothes before running down the hall towards the library. As we got inside I saw Clary holding the book and talking to Hodge. They both looked at up at us as we rushed over. Clary put the book down on the desk and we all hovered around.

"So, I think I found the creature. At first I didn't even notice this was what we were looking for. I even skipped past the page but when I came back to it, I saw these markings here." She pointed to the four corners of the page where there were some faint lines. "I eventually noticed that if you put all of the marking together, they make this." She drew out the four marks, joining them together. We all looked down at the drawing.

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