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Hey, so thank you all for reading this story! If you did enjoy it, you might be interested in my two new stories, that I've just published today;

The first;

A Darker World

A 'Mortal Instruments' Fanfiction - My name is Clarissa Morgenstern. All my life I had lived in the Shadowhunter home country of Idris. I loved my life there with my mother, my father and brother. We were a wealthy and very respected family. But none of that matters now, because it's a darker world. The things that mattered before, didn't any longer. Everything just suddenly changed one day. Some called it the end of days, others simply called the apocalypse but most knew it to be the day of the outbreak. It spread all over towns and cities then from country to country until the whole world was practically gone. I know there are few of us left. I don't even mean Shadowhunters, I mean the living. That's all there is to it now. Us and them. The undead are everywhere. The zombies had taken our world and this was all that was left.

Follow Clary as she tries to survive in this apocalyptic world full of demons, downworlders and zombies. Read to find out what happens when Clary meets three other survivors of the outbreak.

Clace story.

All rights go to Cassandra Clare for all the characters in the story.

And the second;


The 100 Fanfiction (starting at end of season two) - When Clarke, Bellamy and all the other survivors of what happened at Mount Weather come back to camp, Clarke is still guilt ridden about what she had to do to get her people home. Clarke knows that she couldn't just go back to how things were before. She knew people would look at her differently and that most wouldn't forgive but more worryingly, she knew she would never forgive herself. And so that day Clarke leaves camp Jaha and all her friends behind her. She would bare it so they wouldn't have to.

Four years later Clarke is forced to return to camp Jaha after she learns that a group of grounders outside the coalition want to harm and kill the sky people.

How will Clarke deal with coming home, seeing her friends and family again and dealing with the threat against her people? More importantly, how will Bellamy react when he sees Clarke in this Bellarke Fanfic?

Mature/Strong language, violence and sexual scenes

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