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All rights go to the amazing mind that is Cassandra Clare for all the characters in this story.

Jace's POV

After all getting back to the institute last night, everyone pretty much just went to bed without another word to each other. There was clear tension between us all. Everyone was stressed and we were all a little confused in most departments that involved Clary. It was obvious that there was so much she was keeping from us. After getting ready, I walked down the hall towards Clary's room. I stopped outside and knocked on the door. After a few moments the door opened to Clary standing there. She stepped aside, letting me walk in before closing the door. She walked to the bed and sat down as she started putting on her boots. "So, what did you need?" She asked.

"I was just wondering what the plan is for today." She stopped what she was doing and looked up at me, seriously.

"Are you pissed at me?" She asked. I sighed. "I'll take that as a yes." I walked closer to her and crossed my arms.

"I don't know how I feel."

"About what?"

"Anything... Screw that, I know how I feel about you." She looked up at me. "But I also know there are so many things you are hiding from me." She sighed as she finished her laces then stood up.

"I know, okay? And I'm sorry but if it's that much of a deal breaker then I guess we aren't going to work."

"Cause you can't trust me? Can't trust me to know the truth about you?" I asked.

"That isn't what I meant. It's not about trust Jace. Because I do trust you, with my life. You know that. It's just a bit of my past that I want to leave behind."

"And Magnus is apart of this past of yours?"

"A huge part."

"Were you... Like with him?" She looked up at me.

"No, Jace. We weren't like that. We were friends. But things got fucked up in the end and I don't want to bring it up again."

"It seems like you seeing Magnus already brought it up."

"It did. Which is why you should be able to understand why I need a little time. Okay?" I sighed before giving a nod. I stepped closer towards her, wrapping my arms around her waist.


After I went to see Clary we both walked down to the library to go and see the others. "Where's Hodge?" I asked when I saw he wasn't here.

"He went back to Idris early this morning. Don't know much about it other than the fact it was urgent." Isabelle said. Clary and I both nodded.

"Well, we will just have to carry on without him. I got a text from Simon saying that we could go and pick the blood up any time today. He left it at this old butchers so it would look less weird that we are collecting blood." Clary looked at Alec and Isabelle. "Anyway, I was thinking you could both go there and pick it up whilst me and Jace go to the silent city to get the blade all prayed over and ready." Everyone gave a nod and got ready to leave. Clary gave Alec and Isabelle the address for the blood pick up and Clary and I went to the weapons room to get the blade. We walked in and I went over to one of the tables, picking up a silver dagger.

"So, I'm thinking that this is the one." I said, holding it up. Clary looked over. "I think a dagger might be easier than a sword if we have to dip it in the blood. You know, quicker too." I explained. Clary nodded.

"Looks good to me." I passed her the dagger and she slid it into her thigh sheath. She looked down at it for a moment.

"You okay?" I asked. She gave a small smile.

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