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All rights go to the amazing mind that is Cassandra Clare for all the characters in this story.

Clary's POV

I reached my hand over to my stomach, feeling the slight pain. I sat up and lifted my shirt. I ran my fingers over the practically healed wound. I sighed, thinking about what had happened. What the fuck would I tell them? I know Jace saw what happened and I'm pretty sure he didn't see that girl. In fact, I'm pretty sure he just saw me stab myself. I looked up quickly as I heard the door open. "Ah, you're up." Hodge smiled as he closed the door behind him. I sat up properly, swinging my legs over the bed. Hodge grabbed a chair and put it next to my bed before sitting down. He sighed. "How you feeling?"

"Fine." I said with a nod. "All healed up."

"That's good." He said, nodding. I squinted my eyes slightly.

"I'm sensing there is something else." He sighed again.

"Want to tell me what happened?" He asked. I rolled my eyes as I sat forward slightly.

"What has Jace said?" He shook his head as he replied.

"How do you know Jace has said anything?" He asked.

"Cause I'm not stupid. And you wouldn't be here questioning me if he hadn't said something at least borderline worrying. Plus the fact he was the only one who saw what happened. Or what he thought happened." Hodge looked at me, thinking.

"Jace said that you stabbed yourself." I stared for a moment. "You don't look surprised."

"I'm not. Jace made his... thoughts clear." I paused. "You understand how stupid this sounds right?"

"It does sound far fetched. But he told us there was nobody else around and that you had the dagger in your hand. He said he saw you do it."

"And how far away was Jace standing when he supposedly saw this?" I asked. Hodge sighed.

"I'm aware that he was almost a street away but it's unlike Jace to make things up."

"I'm not saying he's making things up. But I'm also not saying that Jace can't make mistakes. There's been a lot of stress lately and I know it's been affecting him. It's been affecting me too but not so much as to make me stab myself." I lied smoothly. Hodge stared for a moment. As if looking for a sign of weakness, a sign that I wasn't telling the truth. "Look, I went out for a while. Just to get some fresh air. As I was walking a demon jumped me, came out from behind this wall and attacked. I only had my dagger on me and I fought back but in the fight I dropped the dagger and the thing stabbed me. I heard Jace scream my name and the demon ran for it. Obviously knowing it wasn't going to win if others were coming. Jace was far away and the demon was behind a wall. It makes sense that he didn't see it."

"Why didn't the blade have any demon ichor on it?" I looked down, acting slightly embarrassed.

"Because I didn't even get a shot in. I held up the dagger and it knocked it out of my hand almost immediately. Then it stabbed me and ran."

"You're the best fighter here and you have magic. This seems unlikely." I sighed as I shook my head.

"We all have our off days. And quite frankly I wasn't expecting it. Took me by surprise." Hodge sighed as if he wanted it to be true that I did it to myself. "That's what happened. I don't know what else to tell you." He looked up at me as he gave a small nod.

"Okay, fine." He said. I gave a nod. "Maybe you should go and talk to Jace." I frowned.

"Okay." I said, slightly confused. Hodge looked at me.

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