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All rights go to the amazing mind that is Cassandra Clare for all the characters in this story.

Jace's POV

I ran out the restaurant, away from Kailae and towards Clary but as I got outside, I couldn't see her. I turned my head side to side, looking all around. I ran a hand through my hair. Why did I do that? Why did I just go along with it? Why did I touch Kailae like that? I don't like her, I like Clary. I should have just stopped Clary and told her that Kailae didn't mean anything. But why did Clary play along like that? Why did she act like she didn't care? Or was she not even acting? I made my way along the road and walked back to the Institute. As I got through the doors, I immediately called out her name. "Clary? Clary, where are you?" But I got no reply back. I walked around searching the rooms for her. The training room, weapons room, library, kitchen, even most of the bedrooms, including her own. I couldn't find her. She had clearly decided she didn't want to come back here just yet. Then a thought came to me, what if she didn't ever want to come back? What f she just left? I quickly made my way down to her room again, looking for her things. I ran to her drawers and opened them, finding nothing. Maybe she just hadn't unpacked? I went to the bathroom, only seeing a towel that we had given her. I went back into her room and looked around. Nothing. I slumped down on the chair in the room and got out my phone. Clary had put her number in when I was still recovering. Although, I don't know where she even got the phone from. I dialled her number and the phone rang and rang until it went to voicemail. I threw the phone on the floor in anger and just sat there for a moment. Fuck. After calming down, I got up and grabbed my phone off the floor. As I did, I saw something under the bed. I got on the floor and looked under, seeing a black bag. I pulled it out from under the bed and looked down at it. I saw the zip. I knew that I shouldn't. I had seen the bag. That meant she hadn't left. That was all I needed to know. I reached for the zip, pulling it slightly. No. I stopped. I pushed the bag away from me, back under the bed. I got up off the floor and walked out her room. I had guessed that she wouldn't be back for a while and I even waited a bit. After waiting for hours and hours by the doors, I looked to my watch and saw it was almost 02.30. I felt myself getting tired and even though I was slightly worried, I walked to my room to go to bed.


The next morning, I woke up at around 8 and found that Clary still wasn't back. I walked around, once again and saw that her bed hadn't been slept in. I was getting even more worried. Surely she couldn't have been that pissed at me. Right? I once again positioned myself at the front door of the institute, waiting. After around half an hour, I saw the door push open. I got to my feet and walked closer, seeing Clary walk inside. She closed the door turned back around, now seeing me. She jumped back slightly. "Creeping around much?" She said as she dropped the heeled shoes she was holding to the floor. She wore different clothes from when I saw her last. She wore a short black dress and a leather jacket. She was also wearing makeup and her hair was done different. It looked slightly ruffled, as if she had just got up and she walked tiredly inside. She looked, for lack of better word, beautiful.

"Says the one sneaking in at half 8 in the morning."

"Shh, inside voices." She said holding her head. "Killer hang over."

"You've been drinking?" I asked. She looked up at me with a smirk.

"Who are you, my mother?" She began walking down the hall. I followed after her. "I went to a party. Ended up having a bit of a sleepover." She said with a smirk. I felt something rise up in me.

"What exactly do you mean by 'sleepover'?" I asked. She stopped and turned to me with a smirk.

"I can look after myself."

"I just think you should be careful."

"And I think if you feel the need to tell a girl what she should and shouldn't do then you should pick up the phone and call your girlfriend. She's the one that should be making you jealous." Then she walked away. I made step to walk after her but stopped as I heard the institute door slam shut. I turned around to see everyone walk inside with their bags. I turned back to Clary and saw she was already at the other end of the hall. I sighed before walking towards the others.

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