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All rights go to the amazing mind that is Cassandra Clare for all the characters in this story. Carries straight on from last chapter. Also, I'm giving a WARNING now that there will be STRONG and GRAPHIC adult themes in this chapter. Don't say I didn't tell you.

Clary's POV

"Well, that was fun." Jace said. "I'm just hoping that Isabelle won't kill us for coming in at this time. She acts like my mother." I smiled as I looked ahead. We held hands as we walked down the street, making our way back to the institute.

"Hey." I heard my fathers voice. I sighed to myself slightly. "Oh, sorry. Not interrupting am I?" He said with a smirk. I kept looking forward as I walked. "Hey!" He said. "Oh, come on, talk to me." He said in a child like voice. Something I didn't think my father would ever do. I once again remembered that it was because he wasn't real. "Pay attention to me." He sulked. I heard him give a big sigh. I looked up to Jace for a moment, seeing him watching the others walk by us. It was strange how many people were still out at three in the morning. "Hmm, maybe I just need to give you something to react to." He said. I looked over in alarm but felt something running down my face. I reached up and pulled my hand away, seeing blood. I looked around me, seeing hundreds of dead bodies covering the floor. I closed my eyes as I kept walking. "Wow, I'm surprised at your strength, Clarissa... Maybe this guy can get something out of you." I frowned at my fathers words. As I opened my eyes again, the bodies and my father were gone but there was someone else in their place.

"Hey there, my love." I turned and he looked at me with a devilish sort of smile.

"Markus." I said in a whisper. Another corpse from my past. Another hallucination.

"Did you say something?" Jace asked. I looked up at him.

"Uh, yeah. Remarkable." He frowned. "Its, um... The- Tonight. Lovely night." I babbled slightly.

"Oh, yeah." He said. He looked forward again as we kept walking. I looked back over to Markus. He was watching Jace before he looked back to me.

"Oh, come on, this guy?" He said, pointing at Jace. "Urg, but he sounds so boring. And look at him? Seriously? Him over me?" I gave him a duh look. "Okay, so I know I haven't exactly been around." I gave him another look. "Okay, so I'm dead. Might be hard to have a relationship but really, him?" I gave a sour look as I squeezed down on Jace's hand slightly. "Ooh, touchy." He smirked.

"You okay?" Jace asked, looking down at me.

"Aww, he cares about you." Markus said.

"I'm fine." I said with a smile.

"Yeah, right." I ignored him again. Jace frowned.

"You sure?" He asked. I nodded with the same smile.

"Oh, this is classic." He laughed. "He-" Markus pointed at Jace. "-doesn't know. Oh, that is precious." He laughed again. "And here I thought that you loved this guy. But you didn't even tell him about your little episodes of crazy. Which are getting more frequent, FYI. Yeesh, relationship drama." I took a glace up to Jace. He was probably thinking that this was just a comfortable silence that we were in. But it was anything but silent for me. I was kinda getting a headache. "Hey, here is an idea." Markus piped up again. "How about we make sure that this boyfriend ends up exactly like your last?" I gave a sharp look.

"Don't." I said under my breath. Markus smirked. My eyes narrowed and my breathing picked up.

"Well, Magnus isn't here to execute things but I'm sure we can still recreate the scene. You know... That 10 inch pole that he shoved through my chest!" He shouted. I looked at him carefully. "Well, here goes." Before I could react, I watched as a metal pole was stabbed through Jace's chest. I almost gasped. Jace looked at me in alarm.

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