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All rights go to the amazing mind that is Cassandra Clare for all the characters in this story.

Jace's POV

"So, maybe today is actually the day we get some answers from Clary." Isabelle said. Me and Alec both nodded.

"Hopefully." I said as we approached the gates. As we did get closer, I saw they were already open. I frowned for a moment before seeing a sign hanging up saying, 'Family Day'.

"What the hell is 'Family Day'?" Alec asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"No clue. But it does make things easier." I said as I walked through the already open gate with a smirk. We walked down the path and into the building. When we were inside, we saw that the gate into the ward was also already open. Walking through, we came to the familiar hallway where both the day room and Clary's room were. As we walked further down the hall, we came to the part where the hall opened wider into the day room. We saw lots of different people all standing around and even some children running about. On one side of the room was a table full of food and drink, with many smaller tables around it. Over the other side of the room was a small area for the children, full of toys and books. I think we were all confused as to what was going on. As we stood and stared, I realised that all of the patients I had seen here before were all in the day room too. Of course, all except Clary. Why was nothing ever simple with her? I saw Alec walk off to the side and over to her room, looking through the glass of the door. He shook his head as he walked back to us.

"I don't see her." Isabelle said, still looking around. It was now I saw one person who didn't fit in. It was a patient I had seen last time I was here, except now her face looked like it had been hit by a truck. She had a swollen eye that was almost closed up, a battered and cut lip and purple bruises on her cheek and chin. I grimaced slightly at her appearance.

"Me either." Alec then added on. "Maybe they took her to 'treatment' again?" He said with a look of realisation. I saw Isabelle tense up at the thought. Meanwhile I shook my head.

"No, I don't think so." I said, looking back at them. "I mean, look around. Look at all the staff, firstly. Then there's all the visitors here, kids even. I don't think they would risk doing that now. I mean, what if somebody heard screams or something? Wouldn't go down well."

"Yeah, I guess. But doesn't explain where she is." Alec said.

"I get the feeling you might just have to ask." I said, looking at the orderlies then to Isabelle. She sighed.

"Fine." We all started to walk back where we came from, through the gates and back out into the reception area where we had seen others standing. Seeing that nobody else was around, Isabelle got her stele and unglamoured herself before walking over to the main desk. She smiled at the woman.

"Hello." She said, in a friendly tone. "Who are you here to see today?"

"My sister, Clarissa." Izzy said back. The woman's face lost her smile as she stared back at Iz.

"Um, just a moment." The woman said with a fake smile as she picked up the white phone next to her. What now? I thought. Isabelle turned to us for a moment, having the same look Alec and I did. "Hi, we have Clarissa's sister here to see her." The woman said. We all listened in for the reply on the other end of the phone.

"Right. Well, not the best day for it." The other voice said. I frowned not getting what had happened. The voice sighed. "But, I'll be there in a second."

"Great. Thanks." The woman said before she put the phone down.

"Is there something wrong?" Isabelle asked. The woman looked at Isabelle with the same fake smile.

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