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All rights go to the amazing mind that is Cassandra Clare for the characters in the story.

Clary's POV

"Jace, just hold on for a few more steps okay?" I said, as we walked up the steps to the Institute door. As we had started to make our way back to the Institute and away from the asylum, Jace started to feel worse. He said he was finding it harder and harder to walk or even see, we were all getting worried.

"I don't think I-I can." He stumbled out. "I thin-" He cut himself off as his eyes rolled closed and he began to fall. He was plummeting towards the floor and I managed to catch his head just before it hit the steps.

"Go get Hodge." I said quickly. Isabelle opened the door and ran inside. I put Jace's arm around my shoulder and put my other arm around his waist. Alec did the same on his other side and we started to lift him up. We rushed inside, almost running down the hallways towards the infirmary. We got inside and put Jace down on the bed. As we did, Isabelle and Hodge came in after us. I turned as they walked inside and Hodge stopped at the door as he saw me. We both stared at each other for a moment. I saw Alec and Isabelle looking at us confused. I snapped out of it thinking back to Jace. "Jace is hurt." I said, turning back around.

"Right, of course." He said, rushing over. We both started looking him over. Me and Hodge both shared a look that said everything. He turned to Alec and Isabelle. "Could you give us some space? We will call you back in later." Both of them frowned slightly but nodded. See there were some things that I wasn't telling Jace, Isabelle and Alec. First, I knew Hodge. We had met years ago at this Institute. Second, and this might come as a shock, but I wasn't entirely a Shadowhunter. Don't get me wrong, there was a big part of me that was but there was also a different side to me. Due to experiments done on me as an infant, I was also part witch. But more on that later. I'm trying to save a life here. As they left the room, I turned back to Jace and put my hands on either side of my head. I closed my eyes and looked for the problem. It was almost like I was walking around inside his head, looking for what was wrong. I pulled my hands away and looked at Hodge.

"Internal bleeding. In his brain." I rubbed my hand across my forehead. "Right now, the bleeding is killing his brain cells. See this swelling-" I said pointing to a large spot of bruised skin on his head. "-this is the blood, irritating the brain tissue."

"Is there anything you can do?" Hodge asked in worry. I stood thinking for a moment.

"There's something I can try. It involves me trying to flush the blood back where it's meant to be and fixing the burst artery. It will take a few hours to work... If he can stay alive that long." Hodge nodded. "I'll call you back when it's done. No interruptions, I need to focus." He nodded again as he walked out the room. I turned to Jace again. I reached my hands back over his head and then I got to work.


A few hours later, I had decided that I had done all I could do. The swelling on his head had gone down and I had successfully fixed him up but all we could do now was wait to see if he would be okay. But I was confident he'd be fine. I yawned to myself before walking to the infirmary door. As I opened it, I saw Alec, Isabelle and Hodge all sitting on the floor outside. They all stood up quickly as they saw me. I closed the door behind me and stood in front of them. "Well?" Hodge said. I nodded slightly.

"I think he'll be fine." Hodge smiled.

"What were you doing to him in there? How could you heal him and Hodge couldn't? We know you're hiding things from us." Isabelle said in a slightly bitter voice. "What did you do?" I looked towards her and spoke with an icy voice of mine own.

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