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All rights go to the amazing mind that is Cassandra Clare for all the characters in this story. Carries straight on from last chapter.

Jace's POV

We all looked up at Clary. "Thank you for telling us." Alec said. She looked over at him with a small smile.

"I guess you needed to know. I could see it was causing tension between us." She looked at all of us now. "And we can't be like that if we are going to fight this thing. We need to trust each other and have each others backs." We all nodded. "Then we might have a fighting chance." We all looked down, as if now really thinking about what was going to happen. "Anyway, everything we need to do is sorted. So, now we wait. But like I said, I think we still have a little time. So, today you get another day off." We all looked up at her.

"Really?" Isabelle asked. Clary nodded.

"Yeah. Go do whatever you want today." I saw Isabelle and Alec smile as they looked at each other. They both got up and talked as they walked out the room. I looked up at Clary. "You can go too." She told me.

"I know." I said getting up and walking to her. She smirked. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I pulled her close to me. I sighed. "You're worried aren't you?" I asked into her shoulder. She nodded her head before pulling back.

"Yeah. And that's why we should make the most of the time we have left."

"Don't talk like that." I said.

"You have to face reality... If the Fur takes me over, I won't be me anymore." She took my hands and pulled me over to the bed. We both sat down. She looked at me as she held my hands. "I need you to promise me something." I could see where this was going. "If I do get taken over by the Fur, you need to promise me that you will kill me."

"No." I said, shaking my head. "No, Clary. I won't do that. I won't kill you." I said as though it was obvious. She looked up at me, taking my hands in hers.

"This is just it. You won't be killing me. I will already be gone. It will just look like me, but in reality it will be that thing in me. So, promise me. If it happens, you will do it. If you get the chance. You promise me you will do it."

"I don't know if I can."

"You have to do this for me, Jace." She looked up at me. I shook my head with a sigh. "It won't be me. Just something in my body. Please, Jace. I don't want it roaming around, looking like me. Hurting people, hurting those I love as it looks like me. Please." She begged. I sighed again as I looked into her eyes. Worry flashed through the emerald green.

"Fine... I promise." I finally said. She reached up, pulling herself to me again. I breathed her in, hoping to make this moment as long as we could.

Clary's POV

The rest of my day had been uneventful. Jace, Alec and Isabelle had all gone out on some sort of errand for Hodge and I managed to get out of it, needing some sleep. After a few hours, as it started getting dark, they all finally got back, bringing food with them. We all settled round the table in the kitchen. "So, what did the errands involve?" I asked before eating a mouthful.

"Well, it was actually kind of weird. We had to go to this little downworlder market but they clearly hate Shadowhunters so we all just wanted to get out quick but turns out Hodge had a long list of things he needed." Jace explained. Isabelle looked over.

"Anyway, how was your day?" She asked.

"It was fine. Got some much needed sleep. Which means that I'm way ready for tonight." They all looked up at me.

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