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All rights go to the amazing mind that is Cassandra Clare for all the characters in this story.

Jace's POV

I yawned slightly as I sat up in bed. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. As I did it was like the floor shook slightly. I felt a little bit dizzy and was still having a slight headache but I knew it would pass eventually. I made my way to the bathroom and looked in the mirror at my appearance. I had a small bandage on my head, purple rings around my eyes and as I pulled back my hair, I could still see traces of blood that hadn't cleaned off. I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower, rubbing off all the dirt and blood. After a few minutes I heard a knock on my door. "Come in." I shouted. I heard the door creak open then slam closed. I grabbed a towel and wrapped in around me before walking out into the bedroom. As I did, I saw Clary standing by the window. She turned to me as I walked out. I saw her give me a look up and down then she smirked. I felt myself redden slightly. "Thought you were Isabelle or something."

"Hmm." She said still looking at my body. She finally looked up to my face. "Well, I just came by to see how you were doing... But you seem much more than alright." She said giving a playful smile. I couldn't help but smile back even in this awkward situation. Then again, I knew it was only awkward for me. In the limited time I'd known Clary, I'd never seen her embarrassed. She turned to the window again, looking outside. "Anyway, I wanna give you a once over." My eyes widened.

"What?" I said, shocked. She looked to me with a frown.

"I wanna give you a once over? Check everything's okay." I took a breath out.

"Oh, right." She turned back to the window. I walked to my drawers and got changed, as she stayed looking away from me. Once I was finished I walked back to her and she turned around again.

"Take a seat." She said, as she held out her hand towards the chair in the corner. I couldn't help but look at her changed appearance. She looked good as a Shadowhunter with all the black and leather. Her red curls bounced as she walked to me. I sat in the chair and she bent down in front of me, coming to my level. She looked straight at me. "This is going to feel a little... Uncomfortable. But it's important you stay very still, okay?" I nodded with a small gulp. She reached over to me and placed her hands on either side of my head. As she did, I immediately felt these small shooting pains in my head.

"Oww." I said, looking up at her. She opened her eyes looking at me. "Uncomfortable? This hurts."

"Stop being a baby. And keep still." She said, closing her eyes again. The pains kept coming in sharp.

"Oww." I said again, moving slightly in my chair.

"Stay still." She moaned. She got up from her crouching position and swung her leg over my lap. She stayed sitting on me, holding me down and stopping me from moving. She closed her eyes again, concentrating. My eyes went wide again in happy surprise and I did make me think about the pain less. In fact, all I could think about was her on top of me. After a few more seconds, she removed her hands and opened her eyes. She looked down at me with smirk. "Good news, no lasting damage." She got up from my lap and turned to me. "Although, I can't do anything about what was already there." She smirked.

"Haha." I said, unenthusiastically. I got up from my chair and saw her walking to my door. I came up behind her, taking her arm. I spun her around and pushed her back against the wall. She looked up at me amused.

"Like it rough do we?" She asked with that same smirk. I gave a laugh.

"Guess you'll just have to wait and see." I felt nervous after I had said it and I just looked at her, waiting for her reply. She stared back at me, biting her lip slightly which quickly turned me on. She leant towards me and brought her mouth to my ear. My breathing went ragged with her so close. I don't know why I was nervous. I didn't get nervous with girls.

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