Chapter 18: Yikes! More Eyes!

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Taking a deep breath Runako tried to calm himself about a stupid little light. Anger got the best of him most of the time. Then a memory flashed into his mind. Akira and General Sahan had kept the secret away from him all the time but eventually Nuruko had told him that they were planning on making Runako the next General after Sahan. The elders had always told tales about how noble and patient the Generals were and should be. It seemed so easy to do all that stuff, to keep your actions under control along with your emotions. Maybe Runako wasn't ready to be General to succeed 'The Great General Sahan'. Taking his mind off of that subject he spotted Trico sitting on the pillar above the enlighten lantern. Runako walked down the stairs and gripped onto the over sized chain. When he was almost to the top he had to stop. There was a large black like lid with metal like thorns escaping it's figure.

"Maybe that'll be useful later", he whispered as he fell off the chain. The he remembered that there was a cobblestone floor beneath him. Instead of falling onto the hard floor he felt soft feather's under him. He hadn't noticed Trico had leaped down from his perch. The perch was empty but Trico had got back on. Runako jumped off the animal's head and got onto a half broken wooden plat form. He sped off and stopped just in time before falling onto the vast floor below his feet. He looked around the room, to be aware of his surroundings. A circle with a ring around it was there along with some sort of closed cage. He got onto the enclosed circle and leaped onto the cage and back onto a crank that was connected to a chain. Down that chain was a  metal oval shaped pot that held blue evaporated like water. Runako leaped off of the chain and pulled on a lever that lowered the chain he was just on. He picked it up and took it to the room where Trico was left in. The substance inside tempted the beast to eat it. He tried to take the pot away from the puny sized child.

"Hey! You can't eat- well you can eat it but you're no suppose to - but anyway don't you dare do that. You'll eat it later. I think?", Runako snapped. Trico looked embarrassed as he shuffled his talons. Sympathy was ebbing into him as he saw the beast tempted to eat, and even so he was craving food since his eyes glowed white. He curled the pot on the chain that he had climbed as Trico pulled on it.  

"Trico stop! Wait-?", Runako screamed, then realized what happening when he pulled the chain. The door behind them began to open up. "-No Trico don't listen to what I had said earlier on! Keep doing that! Yeah! There we go! That's my Trico!", he added as he encouraged the hungered beast. Once he had a chance he raced past the door before getting crushed by it.
"I'll get you over here buddy", he assured the beast. He found a train looking wheels , then pushed them towards the opening and closing because of Trico. When he had a chance Runako flipped it upwards and that made the door slam onto the door so that it could stay open.

He called over to Trico as the beast came crawling through the small gap. His rear end was stuck and Runako had to help. He ran back to the side where the creature was stuck on and pushed it with all his might. It squeezed past the gap and Trico was finally on the other side.

"We must never speak of this ever again!", he protested with his face flushed red in embarrassment. Runako looked past the awkward moment and saw a glow in the distance. A barrel for Trico. He gave it to the animal as it chugged it down with delight filling it's barely visible yellow-amber colored gaze. 

Runako mounted back onto his tamed animal as they leaped over a wall. Once they reached the top Trico seemed transfixed on something that the boy was not aware of. "What is it Trico?". He dismounted the animal and saw two of them. Two eyes. Two demons that frightened the beast. Out of all the things they had to be eyes that scared Trico. Anger pulsed throughout the boy as he flung himself at the weak looking  color stained planks. They didn't break at all not even a crack broke the think glass planks.

He whipped around and looked around in case he missed something. Then he saw something. Helmets. Samurai helmets. He picked one of them up from the loose dirt and threw them at the glass planks and broke both of them with one helmet. They carried on with their journey. 

As they followed outside into the open world as Runako noticed another brightly colored eye. Trico tensed up like always and roared in fear. This time this eye was attached to wheels. Runako got down and pushed it off into the never ending fall as it crash that was not able to be heard.

"Trico let's keep going!".

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