Chapter 25: Surprise!

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Runako's heart seemed to jump out of his chest as he looked down at the world beneath his feet. Towers and endless death farther down. It took him a while to catch his breath, since he was almost going to die. It looked as though Trico had been trying to make him fall to his death, he was so calm when he was going to die, but when he's in danger that's a different story right there.  The beast's feathers were ruffled as the wind flew past them. What was worse was that he--the boy--was wearing just a cloak. "Okay, next time Trico you shouldn't let me almost die like most of the times", Runako explained as he looked up at the beast who loomed over him.  A pang of unease hit him when he looked back down. Trico stared down at him again, his beady, black,  glass eyes flashed with an agreement gaze. After a long and awkward stare Trico began moving forth with the small boy on his back. He bounded quickly and carefully up the twisted stairs. After leaping for the last flight there was finally an ending to the endless stairway there had been a thin stone bridge. Runako climbed up Trico, all the way to his nose and jumped off. He stood on the bridge and glanced around his surroundings. The view was nice, but not so nice to get on the edge and try to paint a picture of. A enclosed wired jaw-bridge blocked an entrance of the tower.

"I think this is where we need to go next Trico", he called as he looked down at the beast.  "Get up here!", he encouraged. Eagerly Trico jumped gingerly and landed on the bridge. A crack broke the silence between man and beast. Runako looked at the crack that formed on the platform. The sturdy looking material would be compared to ice. That reminded him of a memory. Back when it was winter he and Nuruko would head to the river to see if they found any birds on the ice. What they did was bring a handmade slingshot that they made together to kill the birds and bring it to the orphanage so that Mariko could cook them something. Other times they would throw rocks at the solid liquid so that is could break so they'd break the flow and see if it'd freeze up right away. That was when the ice got dangerous. A toddler had walked on the ice and fell in. He almost drowned but was only sick for some weeks.  When ice cracked it was never a good sign. The stone began to collapse. Trico's weight had been added on and that was when the balance between things were broken. He edged to where the closed entrance was and curled into a ball.

Trico followed. Swiftly, Runako smartly climbed up the massive beast's pelt. The floor beneath Trico's hind legs fell. There was not base to hold onto. The boy was scared he was going to die. He enrolled himself into a tight ball and pressed his face against the creature's comforting plumage. Warm tears rolled down his cheeks as he though about Nuruko, Mariko, Akira, and even General Sahan when they found out he would never return. He heard the rest of the floor fall onto the ground below that was probably miles long. The drop would easily kill him or even fatally fracture Trico's skull.  Fear was the only feeling that Runako could think of. Death, death, death, and more death, maybe even some blood and broken bones! Yeah! Whoop! Whoop!

Trico was now holding onto the top of the tower.  He kept his claws wrapped around the steady rim. He wasn't sure if he'd make it. He began to pull himself upward. The not so strong peak of the tower began to fall over. The stone blocks rubbed against one another before they  thundered into the endless fall below. The tower could not take anymore weight. It tilted to the side. That's when the worse happened. It began to fall. Fall, fall, and fall. Trico's tail waved like a victorious flag that had just been placed, but this flag was going down, not in a good way. He held on with dear life. His claws scraped the stone. A wall of a building was in the way. If it collided that would mean the end of the journey.  Trico saw a sheer mountain side with lumps sticking out of the ends. He quickly leaped at the wall.

Runako looked over Trico's shoulder. They were fine now right? One claw after another Trico began to scale up the mountain's edge. He felt the weight of fear jump off of his shoulders. He then felt a presence. Not a good presence. A bad one. That's when he saw the coast was clear. Why would he think something so dang stupid. But Trico seemed tense, he was acting up. A new smell filled the air.

Trico' s nose flared. He smelled something. Someone. A creature. He knew what it was. It was 'The Beast'. Other known as Shadow. It had been one of his kind that'd do anything to kill. He smelled his scent. He was near but Trico wasn't sure where he was. He curled his lip, tasting the air with the scent glands on the roof of his mouth. That's when he saw red eyes, surrounded by armor, and the familiar stink of it's breath. It looked at Trico with menace glowing in the inferno colored gaze. 
"Another Trico?".                                                                                                                                                                  

Trico twitched his ears back to hear Runako then quickly turned his attention back to Shadow. He let out a whimper of both help and fear. Shadow looked at Trico with a snarl. He bared his mouth at Trico. He curled his talon back and aimed at Trico. The blow made him flinch but he dug his claws tighter into the moss that was connected to the stone floor. He wanted to lunge back but before he could get up there and kill Shadow, he swung again. Again, and again. He finally lunged over and nipped at his claws. It slipped back and then the other one. The safeness of the mountain wall was away from him. Far away. He couldn't glide, hover, or fly. None of that. Death was for sure what awaited him and Runako and all because of his fault. 

Runako screamed.
Where was the grim reaper? Finally that's when he felt the impact. Trico crashed into a building, down was where he was headed. He cried for the last time and let go of Trico's feathers. Darkness fell over his gaze. Then he awoke. Bright sunlight streamed in the broken building. The scruff of his cloak. He looked around. A tree branch had him held away from certain death. Looking down he saw Trico. He wasn't moving.   

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