Flesh - Luke SMUT

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    It was an art almost. The way something could connect you and disconnect you. You laid back, legs crossed and staring at the handsome man before you. "Luke " you said gently. "Y/n " he said sheepishly.

  "Are you nervous?" You asked hesitantly. "Yeah " he said taking a seat on the bed. You got off the bed and took a deep breath. "Its okay. I am nervous to. I've never done this before " you blushed. "I dont want to do the wrong thing and hurt you " said Luke softly. "You won't hurt me. If I like the way you are pleasing me then I'll tell you to keep it up. " you reassured. "Okay. Um what do I do?" Said Luke in a lost manner.

   You bit you're lip for a moment, you took you're shirt off, as well as yours pants. Luke let out a gasp, "Wow ". A blush formed on you're face. Luke got up as well and undressed himself. "Wow "you said impressed with his physique. You both stared at each others bodies, their was an innocence to it all.

  The way you both had been untouched; unaware of the other persons physical tributes. You just stared at one another, taking in the moment of each others bodies. "Can I touch ?" Said Luke in a polite manner. You nodded you're head as you unclasped you're bra. Insecurity flooded you, stretch marks were all over you're breast as well as body.

  Yet the man before you unnoticed it. He cupped your breast giving it a tight nudge, you closed your eyes momentarily enjoying the feeling of his hands. "I want to please you. " said Luke softly. "How ?" You said nervously. "I want to touch me if you will let me " said Luke. He was confident in himself, he wanted to make sure that he could please you.

   "Okay, tell me what you want me to do. "
  "Lay on the bed. Take off your underwear with your legs open " said Luke as he took off his own underwear. You did as he said, a chill passed through you. Butterfly's formed inside your stomach. You were nervous for this moment, nervous on how'd you react.

  Luke laid on his stomach staring at the pink clit in front of his face. With his tongue he gave you're clit a small lick making you shiver and gasp at the new feeling. This time Luke got closer to your clit, his hot breath made you feel hot. His tongue moved around licking you, the feeling was new but pleasurable. You didn't know how to respond, all you could do was gasp loudly holding onto your breast as Luke licked you're clit.

"Does this please you, Y/n" grumbled out Luke. You pulled his hair slightly and cried out as you reached you're orgasm. "Luke" you cried out as you're body arched up, and your thighs closed up tightly as your body was in pleasure. You curled up to your side and Luke got on top of you, his fingers brushed against your lips. Your cheeks bright red, smiling at him, panting. "We can stop ? We don't have to go further " said Luke as he gently.

"No Luke. I want this, I want you to be the first man I'm with " you said softly. He nodded and it was an almost awkward moment between you both. You both were blushing madly, a giggle escaped your lips as Luke kissed your neck. "Whats so funny love ?"

"All this? I am going to give myself to you, only you" you said with a huge smile on your face. Luke gently put himself in you, a soft gasp escaped your lips and you laid down as Luke remained on top of you. "Is this okay?" he said softly. "You can put it all in " Luke nodded his head and fully put himself in you. A large gasp formed on his face, "Oh " was all he could say. The feeling of being in you, of being able to feel you was so foreign to him. He had never done anything like this before and he felt himself nearly ready to cum.

"Y/n, are you okay " he said gently. You stared at him, you felt fine no pressure no pain. "I am alright but are you?" you giggled staring at him. His eyes were closed, beads of sweat formed on his forehead, "I'm going to give small thrust" he said. "Its okay Luke, you won't hurt me " you said softly. A new feeling came along you as you felt Luke move inside you, with each thrust it was something new and foreign. You weren't sure if you liked the feeling or if it was uncomfortable.

With every thrust Luke was so close to cumming, his face was flushed. "Y/n baby I'm going to cum " he said in a pained tone. "Its okay Luke. Cum for me " you said gently. Quite moans filled the room as Luke released himself inside you. A collapsed in you and panted heavy. You gave him kissed all over the face, "I love you Luke " you said gently. Luke still panted heavily catching his breath, "I love you Y/n. I'm sorry that you couldn't well you know " he blushed madly as he removed himself from inside you.

  "Its okay. Luke, lets just rest now " you said softly. Luke lay next to you and both of you just admired one another. The beauty that you both possessed, it was nice to see.


  IM SO SORRY FOR UPDATING SO LATEE, but I literally have been so busy, oml. But I am working in the other imagines and they are going to be heated 😈, I hope you guys enjoyed. I really want to make these imagines long but sometimes its hard so I'll try my best to make it longer next time. Also I changed the song bc I found a better one so :)

  All the love xox,


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