From friends to lovers // Anakin NSWF/SMUT

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Written by: RiverdalesPrincess

Requested by: Star_Wars_Fangirl

Word Count: 1036

Warnings: NSFW, slight male dominance, rough sex, oral sex

Imagine summary: Y/n is asked to go with Anakin to help protect Padme on Naboo. Y/n loves Anakin and she thinks it's time he knew.


Master Obi-Wan asked Y/n to help Anakin to protect Padme, nothing against Padme Y/n and her were great friends however Y/n loved Anakin as well as Padme. And Anakin was blind to Y/n's feelings so Y/n never told him although she feels her blood boil and she gets jealous when Anakin and Padme get close. One day Anakin and Padme are in a meadow and Y/n stood from afar and played with the flowers and smiled as a butterfly flew gently in front of her. Y/n heard Padme scream and her head shot towards Padme. "Y/n! It's Ani!' she screamed and Y/n ran over and found Anakin lying amongst the grass, she bent down and shook him "Anakin!" she yelled and rolled him over and Anakin laughed and Y/n punched his arm and he rolled them over and he smiled down at her. "Hey bug" he smirked and Y/n sighed and pushed him off and stood up "Go back to Padme" she said and walked off and went back to the palace. Y/n wiped her tears as they slowly flowed down her cheeks she curled up on her bed and sobbed. She heard beeping and saw her droid "Oh D3, he will never see me anything more than just a friend. I have tried to show him, tell him how much I love him. but he can only see Padme. I just have to accept it" she stated and then she heard a voice "You love me?" and she looked up and saw Anakin "What are you doing?" she questioned and he smiled "I wanted to see if you were okay you seemed upset earlier" he stated and walked forward Y/n stepped back "Why are you here?" she asked and Anakin smiled and his hand glided up and down her arm slowly "You know if you wanted me to see how much you loved me. You could have just done one thing" he spoke and Y/n looked into his eyes and blinked "What are you talking about?" she questioned and then Anakin licked his lips and he leaned down "Kiss me" he said and Y/n pulled him down attaching their lips together and they both let out a small moan. Anakin's arms wrapped around Y/n's waist and pulled her close his smile plastered on his lips as he kissed Y/n. He always thought he loved Padme but all along it was Y/n. Her e/c eyes and her beautiful h/c hair her personality was so gentle, sweet and kind but she had a fierceness to her which Anakin found extremely attractive.
Anakin whispered against her lips "Jump love" and she did so as Anakin hooked his arms under her thighs and carried her to the bed. Laying her down softly he kissed her neck and grinded his body against hers. Small whimpers escaped her mouth as Anakin growled and pinned both her hands above her head "Keep them there" he ordered and she nodded as he kissed her throat and palmed her breasts through her nightdress. Anakin worked his way down and raised her nightdress and smirked. "You are so wet, hardly surprising" he smirked and kissed her inner thighs and pulled down her underwear he hooked her legs over his shoulders and groaned. "You ready?" he asked but he didn't wait for a response from Y/n as he kissed her lower folds and moaned sending vibrations up her spine. Y/n gasped and gripped Anakin's hair and whined Anakin pushed her hips down roughly and ate her out at a teasing pace and pulled away as he stood up and removed his clothes. Anakin laid on top of Y/n again as he kissed her roughly and ripped her nightdress off her. Tearing the silky fabric and ripping off her bra as he roughly entered her and she screamed. Anakin groaned as he thrust in and out slamming his body against hers. She whimpered and whined as he gripped her hips bruising her skin. He kissed her neck and created love bites of shades of blue and purple. Gasping and moaning underneath him Y/n gripped his broad shoulders and wrapped her legs around his waist. She felt so full and she loved it, she loved Anakin and his pounding send shivers up her spine as he used her to his liking. She didn't care if their first time was rough of slow she just needed him and she was aching for him. She felt one of his fingers stimulate her clit as she felt her orgasm approach "Ani" she moaned and he rolled them over he gripped her hips "Come on sweetheart show me how much you want me" he smirked his voice dark and lacing with lust and dominance. She whimpered and rolled her hips in time with his thrusts. She placed her hands on his chest as she felt their sweaty bodies glide on one another. She moaned as Anakin sat up and kissed her breasts and grasped her ass. "Ani" she sobbed and Anakin groaned "Come on beg me" she gasped and wrapped her arms around his neck and whined "Please Anakin, please I need to feel you fill me up. I want you, I love you" she whispered in his ear and he moaned as they both climaxed together their bodies shuddering and their breathing heavy and uneven. The lovers look at each other and smiled "That was incredible" she spoke breathlessly and Anakin nodded "Most defiantly, are you up for another round sweetheart?" he smirked and with a wink Y/n bit her lip and pushed him down raising off him and then giggling as she did so. She gripped his hair and angled his head back as she kissed his Adam's apple, he moaned in slight pain but with pleasure as she roughly slid back down "What do you think" she stated and began rolling her hips again. "It's going to be a long night" Anakin grinned and rolled them over again.

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