Going to Hell - Kylo Ren SMUT

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There were few things in life you actually took into consideration. The idea of love and the idea of hatred. It was something that made you confused and worried, you wondered that in order to feel hatred at some point you'd need to feel love.

The cold air contacting you body gave you shivers, you got up slowly. You looked around and saw you were alone. Kylo wasn't their with you, he never was their when you would wake up. You often wondered what you meant to him, you weren't a jedi, you weren't even force sensitive, you were just a girl. A girl who he asked to go with him. Odd isn't it ? To be asked instead of just taken.

Yet he only took you, and once you left he didn't blow up your village he just left with you. You thought you'd be killed, tortured or something but that was a year ago. For the past year you've lived with Kylo Ren, you watched him become a leader who went through many tantrums. He never scared you, you never felt fear when you were near him. You never felt pressure to be with him, you never felt that you had to be, you just always wanted to be.

You wondered if he loved you, if he felt something for you. You were treated differently, you always were treated differently with him. At home you were nothing but a peasant, a slave that was meant to be sold of for the what ever use your master wanted you to be used for. Yet Kylo he never used you, he never showed any type of sign of even wanting you, he didn't touch you in a way you didn't want to be touched. In fact in the whole year that you were with him, only once did he kiss you.

Even at night when you'd sleep with him, he'd just hold onto you tight, and talk to you about his day and ask you about your day. It was always the same routine and you never really complained about it. You enjoyed him and just his presence.

You got up and undressed yourself out of your pajamas. You grabbed a black dress, it was long sleeved and reached your knee's. You wanted to look different today, you wanted to show a little bit more today, you added some black suede heels. You braided your hair and added red lipstick doing your eyeliner and mascara. Adding perfume before you left you took a breath and began to walk to the cafeteria.

You felt confident, you walked out with grace and poise. As you walked a few of the storm troopers would stare at you and all you would do is smile but just keep on walking. Sadly you didn't make it the cafeteria, Kylo saw you and instantly lifted you up and took you over his shoulder. "Kylo ! " you screeched in anger. "Shut it Y/n" and with that he took you back to the room and threw you onto the bed. "What was the matter ?"

"What do you mean what's the matter ?" said Kylo angrily. You just stared at him, "I was just walking. Do I not have the right to walk ?" You asked confused. "Walk ? You had to dress up for a walk " said Kylo in raged.

  You smiled, "I can dress more for you if you want. All you have to do is ask " Kylo looked taken back, "What? Why do you think I want to see you dressed up for me ?"

  "Same reason I'm still on this ship " you grinned. "That reason being ?.."
"You like me. Don't deny it, I'm not a Jedi. I am not a warrior, I'm not anything. Except someone who just stays here, if you wanted an heir, you would have knocked me up a long time ago. So tell me Kylo, why do you keep me alive ?" You questioned.

    He grabbed you forcefully, "How do you know I don't want to kill you. That I'm not waiting for the right moment ?" You cupped his face, "Because you would have already done that " He just stared at you, "Aren't you afraid of me ? Don't you know the things I've done. You should be afraid " said Kylo. You smiled at him, you peek'd his lips.

   "You don't scare me. You don't frighten me, you do make me feel something " you said softly. "Which would be ?" You looked up directly at his face, "Desire. You make me wish things I shouldn't want from you. Things that could make me go to hell " you gulped.

   "What do you want me to do ?" Said Kylo. "I want you to touch me. I want to feel you, I want you to kiss me. I want you to make me yours " you said directly staring at him. He stared at you, slowly he began to kiss your neck. Small kisses trailed all over, a smile forming on your face. "You have such soft lips "

   He didn't reply, instead he began taking off the dress you had on. You were left in just a bra, "Where is your underwear ?" said Kylo. "Didn't feel like I needed some " you shrugged making Kylo growl. "You can't just not wear under wear when you have a dress Y/n. What if some pervert tries to -" you took his hands lowering them to your core. "I only ever intend for you to touch. Thats the only thing I want, for you to touch. " you said softly.

   His fingers moved around you instantly; you let out a gasp, you steadied your breath. "Y/n. Your such a sinful girl. Are these your desires ?" Said Kylo. A whimper escaped your lips as Kylo's fingers moved rapidly. "I've dreamed of you doing other things " you gasped. "Why? Why do you want me ?" said Kylo. You didn't reply, instead you grabbed him kissing him. His fingers still moved in you; you held onto him tightly, you began to take his clothes off. His bare skin was cold against yours, his hand cupped your cheeks.

   "I think your afraid of me Y/N. I think you are afraid to admit it " said Kylo. You panted, "I'm in love with you". "How can you love something so cruel ?" said Kylo as his fingers continued to please you. "I-I Think you're afraid of me " you said whispered softly and began to kiss Kylo. With his two strong arms, he lifted you up, and adjusted himself into you. "Y/n, your so beautiful " he mumbled into your skin. You moved your hips forward gently, your chest pressed up against is, arms around his neck as you moved onto him.

A gasp formed on your lips as you moved a bit faster, Kylo sucked onto your skin. "Y/n, such a prized possession of mine. " said Kylo as he pushed you down onto the bed. You let out a cry of pleasure, "Art making music " grunted Kylo. You began to fell a curling in your stomach, "Kylo, keep going just like that " you gasped and held him tighter to you. "Y/n come on baby girl. Show me what I do to you " said Kylo with more rapid movement.

With another swift push, you fell apart completely screaming Kylo's name. Both of you panted heavily, their was a knock on your door. "I think you might have alerted someone " laughed Kylo. "Well go tell them " you giggled. "Tell them what? I made -" "No no Kylo. Not that. I meant that you should tell them that everything is fine. But put on clothes ".

"I'm going to tell them to go away, and then we hit the showers. I'm sure no one can hear us in their" smirked Kylo.


I know I have been on a very long hiatus but I had been very busy and I'm just really trying to balance everything else so I apologize to everyone. I am really sorry for not updating, I know I always am lagging but I just really have been super busy

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