Make me // General Hux SMUT

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Written by: RiverdalesPrincess

How was the best way to describe him, I could say arrogant no that's too simple. How about intimidating still no but I'm getting there...oh wait I got it. Dominating. Yes perfect that's the word to describe him General Armitage Hux, dominating yes he is quite handsome I will give him the compliment but his mannerism is enough to turn any possible woman for him. His father Brendol Hux and Supreme Leader Snoke have arranged a marriage for the General. Now here's the problem: General Hux possess no such feelings of: affection, love, remorse of even kindness. His cold and cruel heart and his male personality is truly empowering that's what makes every officer below him tremble in fear when his name is spoke. Like Commander Ren but I'm not here to discuss Kylo Ren, although I could go for hours on end talking about the handsome force sensitive user. Ugh I'm going of topic again this is happened so many times I can't stop why I'll never understand. Right back to the rude General Hux as I was saying his father and Supreme Leader believe fit that General Armitage Hux should be married, now 3 reasons why this agreement occurred 1. General Hux needs to carry on the Hux name so of course a woman to bear heirs, 2. General Hux is a man of status and popularity which means high security and protection and finally 3. He will be named Emperor of the First Order. Now remember it's been years since an Emperor has been named, so for the General this is a huge and I mean huge honour and confidence boost. But also everyone knows a woman would or possibly could help straighten General Hux's attitude a notch or maybe to a whole new level. Calm him down and try to release tension amongst the officers around him, being around him is terrifying one slip up in a sentence and he would have Ren eliminate you straight away. No. questions. asked.

So by now you are wondering how do I a simple officer know all this information. Here is the fantastic news...well to many it is but certainly not to me and General Hux himself well I think. I am the woman he is marry. I'm Officer Y/n of the First Order so how about I go back and explain how this whole scenario played out shall I.


General Hux, Brendol Hux, Supreme Leader Snoke, Commander Ren and I sat in a office together. It was strange never had I been asked to be in the same meeting as General Hux and Commander Ren at the same time. I was only ever with one or the other but today Supreme Leader and General Hux's father is present. What is going on? I shuffled in my seat and smiled lightly at Commander Ren he smiled back Oh my god his smile I blinked my eyes and shook my head mentally. "Now I have come to an agreement with your father General, and we both believe that a marriage between you and Miss Y/n would be a excellent match. The two of you will have today and tomorrow to get to know each other officially before the ceremony tomorrow evening. Understood General, Officer" he spoke as his eyes lingered on both General Hux and I intently we both nodded "Yes Supreme Leader" and Brendol stood up and walked over to me he smiled " I have heard extremely positive things about you Miss Y/n from both Commander Ren and my son. No doubt you will be a magnificent wife I do hope my son treats you fairly I hope this marriage will sort him out, which I have no concerns you will sort out any problems. Welcome to the Hux family Miss Y/n" he bowed and left the room with Supreme Leader. General Hux, Commander Ren and I remained and Ren stood up he bowed and kissed the back of my hand lightly "I give you both my congratulations and I will see you both a ceremony. General, Y/n" he spoke and left the just General Hux and I. The ginger man stood up proud and confident he sat next to me on the couch which I found myself sitting upon as his hand landed on my knee. He rubbed his thumb over my knee softly and gently, he smiled as he looked at me "I must say my father and Supreme Leader couldn't have helped me picked a more beautiful but yet delicate woman. No doubt you are quite smart and I know you are, your brilliant at your work and you have no fear. I know I come off arrogant and well dominating to you but it's only because I don't know how to express my deep affectionate feelings for you Y/n. You see I had a choice in who I wanted to marry and I said you, my future wife was you I always knew it I just didn't know how to show you. I do hope you forgive me for all I have said, done or made you feel towards me. I am honoured to be your husband and I will treat you fairly, you will in luxurious dresses, jewellery and sleep in the finest silk sheets. You and I will have the most extravagant quarters, I have acquired the most magnificent wine. My darling I would imagine life without you in it, my whole life apart of the First Order was to bring order to the galaxy. But I need someone to help me, Y/n do you accept my proposal of being my wife and Empress of the First Order?" his hands gripped mine I had tears I never knew he felt such way I will admit I had extremely strong feelings for General Hux I just thought he hated me. I nodded and smiled "Yes I accept your proposal General Hux" I giggled and he held my face in his hands "It's Armitage darling, you can call me Armitage" and he kissed my cheek and held out his arm for me as I looped mine with his as we walked out and prepared ourselves for the next few days.

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