Wedding // Anakin SMUT

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Written by: RiverdalesPrincess
Requested by : @queenxfionn

          The sunset was the only light that shined behind Anakin and Y/N as they stood facing each other. Their wedding was small and peaceful just them and the wedding officiant. Anakin gazed upon the beauty his bride bestowed, his smile brightened every passing minute and his eyes gazed right into Y/N's. The lovers giggled and heard the officiant speak "You may now kiss your bride" and Anakin didn't hesitate his soft lips upon hers and they smiled. Taking her arm in his they walked down the hall and towards their chambers, shutting the door Anakin watched Y/n run to the balcony and admire the view. His arms wrapping themselves around her waist and kissing her next slowly and teasingly, she wriggled slightly and moaned as his hands travelled towards her breasts. Y/N's head fell back against Anakin's shoulder as he continued to kiss and touch her, her back arching in pleasure when Anakin's fingers ghosted over her dress to cup her womanhood. Gasping and pulling Anakin in for a kiss the lovers fought for dominance, Anakin picked Y/N up bridal style and carried her to their shared bed and placed her down. His cocky grin appeared and his assaulted her neck again, writhing beneath him Y/N grasped his hair for support and moaned incoherently Anakin smirked and pulled off her dress. Y/N undid Anakin's belt and pulled his shirt above his head and took his pants off, both in their undergarments Anakin trailed his lips down Y/N's body and stopped when he came to her thighs.

Kissing the insides slowly and softly he edged towards where she wanted him most. Anakin pressed his teasing further and kissed her clothed sex Y/N gripped the sheets roughly as Anakin finally pulled her garment off and his tongue swiped up her womanhood, her moans loud enough for anyone to hear outside the door or nearby balconies. Anakin pulled her down further burying his face further as he chuckled as she whimpered, his laugh vibrating through her body as she moaned in pleasure. She sat up and pulled Anakin upwards and kissed his roughly and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him on top of her fully. Laughing like children as they fell back Y/N kissed Anakin's neck and shoulder as he pulled his garment down and ground his hips into hers but not fully entering her. Their bodies were growing sweaty and hot as they both kissed passionately, Anakin grabbed one of his wife's legs and wrapped it around his waist and the other hoisting it up over his shoulder, he smirked down at her and bit his lip "You think you can handle me?" he teased and she growled and kissed him roughly and he entered her in one swift movement, but his thrusts were slow and agonizing he pulled out until the tip was out and then slammed back in. Gasping and crying out loudly Y/N grabbed his shoulders for some kind of support as her husband pounded into her with passion but yet was rough and she loved every moment of it. Anakin kissed her neck and began to leave hickeys as he thrusted back and forth. Groaning and moaning the lovers felt their climaxes approaching Y/N's fingers caressed Anakin's hair as she moaned loudly as they made love like the galaxy depended on it. Anakin pulled away and looked into his wife's eyes again and smirked "You close love?" he winked and she nodded her eyes closed and her mouth open widely as she climaxed a high pitch gasp moan escaped her mouth as Anakin climaxed too. Her head lulled back into the pillow further and her back arched, Anakin pulled out and laid down Y/N laying on his chest and they both smiled and sighed "I love you Ani" she moaned lightly and caressed his chest Anakin grinned "And I love you my dear Y/n" he kissed her head their first night as husband and wife, but there was plenty more to come they both knew that and they couldn't wait.

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