chapter 45

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y/n's POV

'' Why did this have to happen, i'm useless. '' i said, and punched the punching bag. 

'' you're not useless young y/n, you just haven't found your powers yet. '' Sensei Wu said.

'' But Sensei Wu, how am i suppose to find them. '' i asked. 

'' perhaps it's time i teach you something, let's say usefull. '' He said, but i didn't understand. 

'' What do you mean Sensei Wu, i have long way no matter what. '' I said, and sat down. 

'' you need to come in contact, with yourself. '' he said, and walked towards a lake. 

'' And... How am i suppose to do that. '' I asked him. 

'' Like this, '' he said and stepped on a water lily. I watched him with wide eyes, not beliveing what i saw. The water lily wasn't sinking. With just one leg, he stood gracefully on the water lily. Soon af golden light, was swirling around him. Then he came back to you.

'' How did you- '' I couldn't say anymore, before i interrupted me. 

'' Contact with yourself, now you try. '' he said to me. 

'' there's no way i- OW! '' He hit me with his stick. 

'' no excuses, '' he said with a stern voice. 

Normal POV

you looked at the water lily, infront of you. You took a deep breath, before closing your eyes. With one foot on the lily, it floated towards the center of the lake. ( the position you're in is the picture above: i do not own it!)

As you felt more relaxed, second by second, you began to fall into a trace. Soon you began to see memories, from your childhood.

'' oh look at her (dad's/name), isn't see beautiful. '' you could hear your mom say.

'' she's our beautiful princess. '' your dad said. But then, it changed to something else. 

'' Give me your daughter, or else. '' someone said.

'' We won't allow that, '' you couldn't belive what you saw. It was Garmadon, but younger and human. And right after him, came sensei Wu. 

'' (mom's/name) get her out of here right now, we'll take care of this. '' Garmadon said. You couldn't belive what you just saw, but you were glad he did it. 

Lloyd's POV

We came back from ninjago city, then a saw y/n standing in the middle of the lake. Then i saw something floating around her, but it kept changing color. Then i walked over to sensei Wu, to ask him what she was doing.

'' Sensei what is she doing? '' i asked him. 

'' she is makinfg contact with herself, '' was the only thing he said.


Hope you guys liked it :) 

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