Chapter 134

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A/N: Thank you to Maximum_Violet for helping me with this chapter. I will highlight the section that They wrote. 

  I look at Hunter while rubbing my head, I try to gather my thoughts so I can explain why I'm here. 

"I'm here because I can't control my inner self" Hunter gave me a confusing look. 

"Inner self?" 

"Yeah, every time I get angry I lose control of my powers. That's why I'm here to learn how to control them, " you explained 

"How bad isn't? "

" Worse, I black out when I lose control" 

"Well, Sensei Takiyama will help you on how to control your inner self" I smile on what he said until I heard a bang, I and Hunter run to the smoke and saw a guy getting out on the basement. I and Hunter help the guy and I make the smoke disappear. 

"Are you ok, Kensei?" Hunter said. 

"Yes, I'm fine until my invention exploded" The guy name Kensei look at me. 

"I never have seen you here, what's your name?" The guy named Kensei asked me.

"Y/N L/N" Kensei give me a questionable look.  

"L/N? Are you the son of F/N?" Kensei asked. 

"Yes?" you said. 

"You know her?" Hunter said.

"No, but her father is a very well-known inventor. ''  Kensei said. 

'' WHAT!? '' Hunter, Leon, and Michael said shocked. They all turned to look at you. 

'' They didn't you tell us this!? '' Leon asked. 

'' I didn't think It was important! '' you said and raised your hands in a defensive manner. 

'' Wait,  f/n l/n sounds familiar. '' Michael said. You looked at him. 

'' Oh? What does it remind you of? '' you asked him. 

'' It's on the tip of my tongue, but I can't put my finger on It. '' Michael said. 

'' Wow that's some marks you have y/n, did Sensei beat you up or something. '' Kensei suddenly asked. 

'' Yeah I was training with your Sensei, Let me just say he can hit pretty hard, '' you said and rubbed your bruised arm. 

'' You'll get used to it. '' Kensei said and placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. 

'' I REALLY hope so, '' you said. 

'' Wait, y/n you said something about Sensei Wu before. '' Hunter suddenly said. 

'' Sensei Wu Yeah he is my sensei, I mean other than Sensei Takiyama, '' you said.

'' Wait, hold up, You have been training with Sensei Wu? '' Leon asked. 

'' Yes I have, and let me tell It was not pleasant, '' you said remembering the training with Sensei Wu. 

'' But enough about me I wanna hear about you guys, '' you said and smiled at them. 

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