chapter 89

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A/N: Thanks to CamrynB2003 for sending me a heartwarming comment in one of my chapters. Thank you CamrynB2003.


You opened your eyes, and looked up at the ceiling. 

' I guess i fell asleep. ' you thought to yourself. You were about to stand up, then you felt something tighten around yout waist. You looked down, and saw Lloyd had his head between your breast, as if he was listing to your heart beating. You just sighed, and laid down again, and began stroking his hair. 

' God he's so cute. ' you thought to yourself. 

'' Mmm. '' just then Lloyd made a sound. Then he looked up, and stared at you. 

'' Good morning sleepyhead. '' you said and smiled at him. He just looked at you, and smiled back at you. 

'' You're so pretty. '' he said. 

'' E-eh... Um... Thank you. '' you said silently, and blushed bright red and looking down. 

'' But it's true. '' Lloyd said. He sat up, and sat crossed-legged besides you, and placed you in his lap.

'' You are the most beautiful girl i've ever met. '' Lloyd said, while looking into your eyes. You blushed even more, and covered your face with your hands. Then you looked at him through your fingers. 

'' Lloyd did you taks something, before we fell asleep? '' you asked. 

'' No i haven't! I'm just telling you the truth. '' He said, and held you close to him. You looked down, and let your hands fall down into your lap, and started laughing. 

'' Oh my god, you're such a goof. '' you said, and continued laughing. 

'' Yeah, but i'm your goof. '' he said, and kissed your cheek. 

'' Should we get some breakfast. '' you asked him. 

'' Sure. '' he said, and placed you back onto the bed. He got off the bed first, and waited for you. You shuffled over to the edge of the bed, and stood of from it. But as you stood up, a shock of pain shot through your right leg and ankle. You collasped, but Lloyd caught you just in time. Then he picked you up, and held you bridal style. 

'' Woah! You okay y/n? '' Lloyd asked worried. 

'' I'm okay, but i guess i can't walk that well yet, sfter yesterdays events. '' you said, and looked kind of sad. 

'' Don't worry y/n, it will heal pretty soon. '' Lloyd said, and kissed you on the cheek. 


A/N: i just wanted to say that i might not update nest week, because i have this huge project and it's really important sorry guys. 

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