Chapter 135

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'' Where did Sensei Takiyama find you guys? '' You asked.  

'' Well me and Hunter are childhood friends we lived in the same village. When we were around 10 we discovered that we actually had elemental powers. '' Leon explained. 

'' But since we were still kids, we didn't know how to control them. Sometimes when we were excited our power would activate. '' Leon continued. 

'' One-day Takiyama Sensei passed through town and saw me and Leon playing around with our powers. '' Hunter said. 

'' He asked us about our powers and then told us to take him to our parents. '' Leon said. 

'' He told our parents about our powers and said we needed training. '' Leon said. 

'' Well, our parents agreed and that's how we ended up here. '' Hunter said. 

'' That's very interesting, and what would the likely hood be that you both had powers, '' you said and smiled at them. 

'' Trust me we were surprised too. '' Leon said. 

'' What about you Michael? '' You asked him. 

'' I was actually reported as a threat because I activated my power inside of a shop. You should have seen It, It was all over the news. '' Michael said and leaned back and laughed to himself. 

'' I guess Takiyama Sensei heard about it so he came to recruit me, '' he said. 

'' That's some story... What about your family? '' You asked him. 

'' Oh I lived alone far away from my family. they don't know I'm a ninja. '' Michael said. 

'' So they don't know that you live here in a mountain and training? '' You asked him stunned. 

'' Nope! '' Michael said with a smile. 

'' Okay then, what about you Kensei? '' you turned towards Kensei. 

'' Well I was working at my father's shop when Takiyama Sensei. He said that he saw potential in me, but I didn't know what he meant. '' Kensei explained. 

'' Then my dad came in and began to talk to him. At some point, Takiyama told my dad he wanted me to come with him to train me. '' Kensei continued. 

'' But my dad got mad at him because he wanted me to become an inventor, or at least follow in his footsteps. '' Kensei explained. 

'' I became stressed and tried to calm my dad down, but this activated my powers and knocked my dad out. I an ambulance and they took him to the hospital. '' He said. You couldn't say anything, you were that shocked. 

'' While my dad was in the hospital, I agreed to go with Sensei Takiyama and that's how I ended up here with these guys. '' Kensei said. 

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