Chapter 132

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'' Mikey don't rip off her arm! '' Hunter said behind you. Mikey suddenly stopped in front of a sliding door. Mikey carefully opened the, and what you saw a beautiful room. Even though it was a simple room, it was very beautiful. The room was well lit since there were windows all around. 

''Wow. '' was the only thing you said. 

'' take a look at the balcony. '' Mikey said. 

'' Balcony? '' you said and turned to look at Mikey. Mikey then led you towards the Balcony. He opened the doors and the scenery was beautiful. You walked over to the railing taking in the scene in front of you. 

'' Wow this is... I don't even know how to describe this, '' you said. 

'' And you can even train in your room since it's so big. '' Leon said. 

'' Is that so, '' you said with a slight smirk at your lips. 

'' Yeah come on let me show you. '' Leon said and walked back into your new room. You followed him of course. 

'' You just need to move the futon, which you can just fold and place in the closet over there. '' Leon explained. Leon showed you how to do it and placed it in the closet. 

'' So we have bo staffs and we have a bokken sword for you to train with. '' Leon said and handed you the wooden sword. (If you don't know what a bokken sword is, just look it up.)

'' So you wanna try and spare with me. '' Leon asked you. 

'' I mean if you're up for it, '' you said. 

'' Okay, but first. We can't use our elemental powers. '' Leon said. 

'' Fine by me, '' you said.  

'' Oohh Leon you're about to get your ass kicked. '' Hunter said.

'' Oh come on how bad ca- Wow!? '' Leon said but was cut off by you. 

'' Keep your focus Leon, '' you said.

'' I am, you just came out of nowh- '' he said, but were cut off again by you. 

'' You shouldn't talk so much, '' you said. 

'' I'm Not! '' he said. You made it look like you were going to attack him again, but instead, you tripped him and placed the sword near his throat. 

'' you snooze you lose, '' you said and lifted the sword from him. 

'' See I told you. '' Hunter said.

'' Whatever. '' Leon said. You just smiled and held out your hand to him. He smiled back and took your hand, and you helped him up. 

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