chapter 67

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Llooyd's POV

'' Guys wake up, i know where y/n is! '' i yelled and ran into their room. 

'' Ugh Lloyd, we have searching for two days now. '' Jay said very tired. 

'' Yeah but she just contacted me through her mind. '' I told them. 

'' Where is she then? '' Cole asked me. 

'' She told me, she was in a village called Ignacia. '' I told them. Just when i said the village name, i saw Kai's eyes widen. 

'' Kai what's wrong? '' i asked him. 

'' Ignacia is my home town, i know where it is. '' Kai said, and almost jumped out of his bed. 

'' Then what are we waiting for, let's go '' Zane said. We al ran to the control room, and located Ignacia. Soon we were headed towards Ignacia. While we were flying towards, i couldn't help to look over the horizon.

' Please y/n be safe. ' i thought to myself. I was so deep in thoughts, that i didn't hear Kai come up behind me. 

'' Are you thinking about your girlfriend loverboy. '' Kai said teasingly to me. 

'' Yeah, i sure hope she's okay. '' I said to him. 

'' Lloyd, y/n is a strong girl, she can take care of herself. '' Kai said to me. 

'' I know, but i can't stop worrying about her. '' i said. 

'' Hey Lloyd, i know how you feel. When your dad took my sister, i couldn't stop worrying about her either. '' Kai told me. I looked at him, and he gave me a smile. 

'' Hey guys we will take turns on, who's going to keep watch. '' Jay yelled from the control room. 

'' I will take the first watch! '' i yelled back. I walked into the control room, and saw Jay and Zane there. 

'' We should be there by morning, if we don't run into problems. '' Zane said to me.

'' That's sounds good. I'm going to take the first turn, don't you worry guys. '' I told them. 

'' Okay then, see you tomorrow. '' Jay said. Both Jay and Zane. I sat down in a chair nearby, and kept watching the screen. After watching for an hour or two, Cole came into the room, looking really tired. 

'' It's my turn to watch now Lloyd, you can go to bed now. '' He said to me. 

'' Okay. see you in the morning. '' i said to him before i went to bed. 

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