Chapter 2: Forbidden Friendship

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The most world-feared dragons; the Night Fury.
I couldn't believe my eyes. A Night Fury! I thought those had been extinct for a while now. But.. here it was, with my very own eyes.
I decided to run to the lake to the left and catch a few fish for it.
'It must be hungry...' I thought.
I grabbed the fish and carried them to the pit.
I carefully climbed down the first set of rocks, so I could get a better view of the dragon. I saw it hanging upside down, probably sleeping.
Not knowing whether or not I should go near it, I silently climbed down the rest of the rocks to avoid making it mad.
I climbed down successfully, making my way over to the beast. I stop a few feet away, and I looked up at him.
'Oh god.... he sees me' I think, almost afraid to make a move.
He climbs down, and stands in his attack stance.
'Well, this was a--' I start to think before he started coming near me, slightly on alert. I wasn't carrying any weapons, but I could tell he was still rather wary of me. I slowly held out the first fish, it flopping around, trying to escape. He came nearer, and eventually took the fish.
I smiled. 'Wow.. maybe he's not as much as fearsome as everyone says he is...' I thought to myself before handing out another fish when he came towards me, obviously looking for more.
I fed it to him, and he started to become less wary of me, eventually laying down next to me.

It soon became time to go home, as my parents would be back in 10 minutes or so. I said goodbye, and left.
'I wonder what I should name him...' I thought while I was walking home.

I made it back in time. After a few minutes, I heard car doors slam shut and people talking. My mom came into my room as soon as she walked into the house.
"Hi, honey! How was your day?" She asked.
"It was good. Sat here reading for a bit". I lied. 'I can't tell them about him... they'd freak on me! They'd demand me taking them to where he was hidden and they'd kill him. I can't let that happen.'
She leaves the room and you sigh of relief. 'Whew' you think. 'That could've ended badly.'
You stay inside your room for a while. You think about everything you did today. From sneaking out of the house to finding him, to returning home. All without your parents knowing. 'Man, its been a good day'.

The next morning, your parents tell you they'll be gone until 10. 'Good! That means I have until 9.30 to go see him!'
As soon as they leave, I get ready and head outside, bringing a basket so I could catch fish for him. 'I still gotta name him. Crap, what do you name a Night Fury?' I thought as I walked down the trail to the lake. 'Maybe... Nightwing? Yeah, that works!'
I get down to the watering hole to see Nightwing sitting there, attempting to catch fish. He wasn't really doing well, so I decided to help him. "Nightwing! I'll catch you some fish." I call out to him. He looks up at me, obviously happy to see me. He bounces up and down, teeth baring, cleaner than any teeth I've ever seen.
Luckily I brought the basket. There were way more fish than I thought in that tiny lake.

I caught a good 20 fish or so, and brought Nightwing back to the pit so he wouldn't be spotted should anyone come by. I had covered the edges of the pit with leaves and twigs, so anyone just walking by on the trail wouldn't think anything of the large hole in the ground.
We got down there in a couple minutes. With me not having a saddle for Nightwing, I couldn't exactly ride him down without falling off. 'I'll have to make a saddle at some point. But how do you make a sturdy saddle that will both be comfortable for me and Nightwing?' I thought as I fed him.
He ate the fish with great happiness, and eventually gave me a half of one, as it was almost lunchtime.
I ate the fish, and tried to think of ways to obtain a saddle; either by making one or buying one from a shop in town. I decided that I'd ride into town tomorrow with my parents and look for a shop. Since they'd most likely let me go alone, and they don't really question what I buy, (I've bought some really weird stuff before, believe me) they most likely won't care that I have a saddle in my hands. They always knew I loved dragons. 'Maybe they'll think I'm just buying one so I can dream about riding one...' I think to myself.
I look over at Nightwing, who is fast asleep. 'I guess he fell asleep while I was lost in my thoughts..' I concluded.
I quietly walk over, and whisper "Nightwing! Nightwing!"
He groggily woke up, yawned, and looked at me, as if to say, "Why did you wake me from my beauty sleep?" Then, all of a sudden, he jerks up. His eyes turn into skinny slivers, indicating he's alert and is ready to take down whatever enemy has come upon us. I look around, only to look at Nightwing and follow his gaze to whatever he was looking at. I saw a person, about 5'8, brown hair, green-blue eyes. He was fit for his height, and he had the most intense stare I'd ever seen. It was more intense than my parents'! I just stared at him, completely afraid that he'd found out about Nightwing. 'Hopefully he doesn't know me.. Please don't know me.. please don't know me.. please don't know me..' I plead to myself. He comes down, and slowly walks towards us, his eyes still fixed on us. 'What is he doing? He's just walking up to us without fear that Nightwing will attack! He sure looks ready to attack...'
As he comes closer, Nightwing gets more angered. He starts growling, while putting his tail around me, protecting me, and indicating that he better back off before it's too late. I calm Nightwing down, and ask, "Who are you? If you're here for my Night Fury, I'm sorry, but he's mine. You can't have him."
He scoffs. "I don't want your Night Fury, miss. I came because I saw you managed to befriend the most feared dragon on earth. The very dragon I've been longing to befriend ever since I first laid eyes on one in a book. How did you manage to find one so close to your house?!" He exclaimed.
I looked at him, curious. "How do you know where I live?"
"I've been studying you. It sounds creepy I know, but I wanted to know how to 1. Approach a Night Fury should I come upon one, and 2. How to properly tame them.. I'm sorry for spying on you."
I laugh a little. "It's fine, don't worry about it. I'm just happy you weren't either of my parents... I'd be literally dead if they found out I had a Night Fury.. they'd do anything to kill them.." I say, sadly.
He looks surprised. "Your parents? I've never met them. I'm not sure I want to now..." he says.
I laugh again. "Yeah, trust me. You probably wouldn't. If you even mention a Night Fury they'd go ballistic on you. They claim it's because one killed my moms parents, but I don't believe it." I say.
He stays silent for a moment. Then, he finally speaks, "Oh, pardon my manners. May I ask what your name is?"
"It's (y/n). What's your name?"
"My name is Jackolous. Jackolous Patrona." He says with a smile on his face. "But you can just call me Jack, if you wish."
"Okay. It's nice to meet you. Jack, this is my Night Fury, Nightwing. Nightwing, this is Jack."
Nightwing continues to stare, but after seeing with his own eyes that Jack isn't going to harm him, he backs down, yet his tail is still wrapped around me.
"Do you have a saddle for Nightwing?" Jack asks.
"Sadly, no. I was planning on going into town for a while to buy one, but they probably wouldn't let me go into town." I say, looking down sadly.
Jack thinks for a moment. "I think I have one in my hut. I found it abandoned in a chest so I decided to take it and fix it up. It should fit perfectly for both you and Nightwing. Let me go get it." He says before running off.
"Well, Nightwing, here goes... my first flight on you. Please go easy, okay?" I ask.
He looks at me. "I know that look." I say. "You're gonna make me fall off on purpose!"
He looks at me and laughs. "If you make me fall, I'll put a harness on you."
He stops laughing and looks at me, his eyes wide. I laugh. "Relax, I'm joking. You know I'd never put a harness on you."
He looks relieved. He then looks ahead, and I see that Jack is coming back. "Wow! That's a nice saddle!" I say.
The saddle is brown, with 2 handles at the top.
'I guess that's what you use to hang on and steer...' I thought.
It had red seams around the outside, and on the tips of the handles.
Nightwing sniffed the saddle, then started going nuts. "I guess he likes it!" I exclaim.

Jack and I help put the saddle on top of Nightwing. As soon as it was put on, Nightwing motions for me to jump on his back. I obey, feeling unsettled by the fact that I'm on a dragon, much less a Night Fury.
"How does it feel?" Jack asks.
"Really weird." I admit.
I look down at Nightwing. "Ready, boy?" I ask.
"He looks at me, and tilts his head quickly. "I guess he is." I say.
Nightwing flies up, and I immediately start to lose balance. Nightwing then flies in place, allowing me to gain my baylance. As soon as I gain my balance, he starts flying a little slow. Soon, he starts to gain speed, gradually accelerating as time passes and I'm becoming more comfortable on him. Jack says from down below, "You look amazing!" I laugh and say, "Thanks, for my first time being off the ground!"

A couple minutes pass and we're flying fairly fast. I say, "Hey, Nightwing, I think we should land. I have to head home soon."
Respecting my wish, Nightwing lands in front of Jack.
"That was some pretty good flying!" He says.
"Thanks. It was fun. Probably the best thing I've done my whole life."
I check my watch. "Crap, it's almost time."
"Time? For what?" Jack asks.
"Until my parents get home. If I'm not home before they are, and they get home first, they'll freak and ground me for a couple months. Maybe a year. And if I don't feed Nightwing..."
Jack puts a hand on my shoulder. "If you were to get grounded, don't worry about Nightwing. I'll feed and ride him until you get back."
"Really? Thank you!!" I exclaim as I hug him.
"Heh.. you're welcome." Jack says back.

I say goodbye to Jack and Nightwing. I start walking, and checking the time. 'Damnit! Only 9 minutes left! I gotta hurry!' I full on sprint down the pathway, making aware of my surroundings as I run.
I make it home in about 5 minutes, with 4 to spare. 'Whew, I made it.'
I decide to leave a note on the table for my parents on the table, reading,
"In shower. Be out soon."
I wrote it so that way they'd know I wasn't outside if I was presumed missing. Our shower is rather quiet, so no one could hear it unless you were physically inside the shower room.
After a little while of being in the shower, I hear my mom call out, "(y/n), when you're finished showering, me and your father need to have a few words with you."
After she said that, my blood ran cold.
'There's no way she could've found out about Nightwing. There's just no way. Unless... Jack, maybe? No. Jack wouldn't rat me and Nightwing out. So.. what did she want?'
I step out of the shower, and get my pajamas on. I step downstairs, internally screaming that it not be about Nightwing. I reach the kitchen table, sit down, and my mother starts talking.
"(Y/n), we know where you're keeping it. And we're very disappointed."

Hey!! You guys met a new character! Which is actually one of my best friends irl! JosiahPetrain is Jackolous, otherwise known as Jack.
I'll be updating this whenever I can.
What do you think your mother was talking about? Was she talking about Jack ratting out Nightwing, or something completely different?

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