Chapter 7: Hurt

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"I don't believe you." She says, rushing at me, sword in hand.
I slowly back away, and then I turn around and sprint. I whistle for Nightwing, and he comes. He sees me in a panic, so he dives down, and while running I get on him and we ride off.
"Coward!!" Astrid calls behind me.
I look down, and suddenly I'm full of sadness. Then, I fly faster.

Astrid's POV
'Boy, when I find (y/n) I'm going to kill her!' I think with hatred running through me. I was about to call Stormfly when Hiccup stopped me.
"Are you sure you want to go after her? She was telling the truth, you know. She was onl--" he says before I knock him out. "I don't care if she was telling the truth. You were in her house. Without me knowing. That's enough to make me wanna hurt her."
I call Stormfly, and we set off to find (y/n).
I know it wasn't right to knock out Hiccup. I just.. couldn't let him go after me. He was alone in her house, and I am not going to let it slide. She could've been lying for all I know! They could've done... things. Things I shall not mention for it is not lady-like. 'When I find (y/n), she's going to pay. Big time. I'll teach her to not have Hiccup alone in her house with her.'
A few hours of flying around passed and I was starting to get tired. I flew past Hiccup's house, to see (y/n) with him.
'UGH! Seriously?!' I thought angrily to myself.
I flew down on Stormfly and as soon as Nightwing saw me, he went to protect (y/n).
'It can sense I'm going to hurt her...' I thought in amazement. 'Toothless could never do that.'
I snap out of it and march up to them.
"Do you honestly think you could get away that easily?" I say to (y/n).
She shook her head. "No. I just wanted to cool myself before I teared you to shreds. Or before Nightwing here shot a plasma blast at you."
She hmph'd. "Well, I made a promise that I would hurt you for being alone in your house with Hiccup. And I'm going to fulfill that promise. GYAAAAAAAA!"
I ran towards her, but Toothless and Nightwing stopped me. I forcibly pushed them aside, and went for (y/n). Hiccup tried to reason, but I wouldn't listen. In anger, I threw my axe in (y/n)'s direction. The sharp blade pierced (y/n)'s leg, just below the upper thigh. She screamed in pain.
Toothless and Nightwing rush to her aide, and they carry her over to her house. Nightwing, mostly. Toothless just walked next to him.
Hiccup turns to me. "What the hell was that for?! You could've killed her!"
She turns sharply to me. "Why do you care so much about (y/n)? What's so special about her that you two can't get enough of each other?!" She says, obvious that anger is boiling inside of her.
I look towards (y/n). "There's nothing 'special' about her. She's just a good friend of mine. And she needs a friend to help her settle in this place. Before she came here, she wasn't in a big village like we do. She lived alone, in a forest with her mom and dad. She's not used to this place yet. Sure, she's got a Night Fury. But that doesn't mean she automatically fits in with everyone." Hiccup explains.
I feel bad now. Hiccup's the only friend she really has, besides Jack, but Jacks usually with Chalin. I probably should apologize when I've cooled off.

(Y/n)'s POV
I lay there, with Nightwing by my side. Everyone else is doing errands and patrol, so I'm here all alone.
'Who knew getting hurt would result in me not being allowed outside for 2 fricken weeks. Wonderful. If someone attacks Berk, I can't help. Damnit!" I thought as I lay there.
If only I blocked the axe. Then, I wouldn't be laying here, totally unable to move anywhere. If anyone attacked, I'd probably be dead. Or Nightwing would die saving me. I don't want him to die because of me...

Hiccup's POV
I feel so bad for (y/n)... she's stuck there with nobody to keep her company besides Nightwing. Although she could talk to him so it's not that bad. But still... I can't talk to her since Astrid is rather protective over me. It gets annoying but, it's whatever.
I left Toothless there for extra protection. I asked Jack if I could ride his Night Fury, and luckily he let me. I told him it was for patrol, and Ebony could use some practice. I trained Ebony for a bit after patrol, which Jack was fine with. While I was training, I saw a dragon fly in.
'Oh no..' I thought.
I flew back to Berk. "Dragon riders! Mount your dragons and prepare yourself! Screaming deaths are coming!"
I had no doubt (y/n) heard it. Hopefully she's smart enough to stay inside.

(Y/n)'s POV
"Dragon riders! Mount your dragons and prepare yourself! Screaming deaths are coming!"
I knew that voice anywhere. It was Hiccup.
'Screaming death? What the heck is a screaming death?' I thought.
I knew I had to stay put, but my mind kept saying 'Help! Help! Help!'
So I decided to listen.
I got up, and immediately pain shot up through my leg. But I ignored it. I had to help them.
I rode Toothless, since I knew Hiccup would want to ride him, and Nightwing could fly on his own. I had installed an artificial tail to which he could control, as if it was a real tail.
We set off, and I saw all of them out flying towards it. 'Man, they're idiots.' I thought.
The screaming death 'screamed', and everyone was kicked back. Some rocks fell on most of the dragons wings, indicating that they couldn't fly.
I waited until it stopped 'screaming' before I attacked. From what I read about dragons back home, it said that most dragons' weak spots were underneath, on their stomach. So, I sent flew Toothless underneath the screaming death and shot 3 plasma blasts at it. It turned around, and was about to scream when I shot another blast, in his mouth this time.
He lived, yes, but he flew away. I thought it was over, but I heard something else below me. I looked down, and quickly got out of the way, as whispering deaths emerged from the ocean. I whistled to Nightwing. I switched dragons, pulling the lever on Toothless's saddle to lock his tail in place as he flew down to Hiccup. I had installed the lever about a week ago. Funny how he never really noticed it. I guess because it's on the side he never really has to check.
I'm sure he'll notice now though.
Hiccup yells up to me. "You can't ride! You need to rest! Go back home, we can take care of the rest!"
I look at him. "Almost all of your dragons besides Hookfang and Toothless can't fly. I don't think you could take them down by yourselves."
Hiccup sighs. "Fine, but if you get hurt more, I'm locking up Nightwing so you can't ride him."
I rolled my eyes. "Ugh, fine. Let's go before this thing destroys Berk."
He nods. Hiccup, Snotlout and I fight the whispering deaths. I'd say there's about 3.
I know from the book that whispering deaths have a weakness for sunlight. So, I grab something metal and shine it at them. They retreat, but not for long. Hiccup and Snotlout rush them, aiming for their heads, while I continue to go underneath. Nightwing turns upside down, and blasts each of their underbellies once. Nightwing lands, and roars at them, presumably telling them to leave.
They leave, and Hiccup lands with Snotlout next to him. "Okay, you should've rested your leg. Why are you here? Next time something like this happens, you stay home. Understood?" Hiccup scolded me.
I scoff. "I'm not about to leave you guys alone to fight one big dragon and 3 others, with only 2 riders. The other's dragons are hurt. It'll be 4 against 2. And if Snotlout is out, you're done for. I was trying to save you guys from being completely wiped out." I said as I flew back to my house.
'I saved their butts. They should be thanking me! If it weren't for me bringing Toothless, they'd be done for. But whatever. If they don't need me right now that's fine. I'm not helping at all for the 3 weeks I'm grounded.' I think as I fly Nightwing home.

"I'm sorry, boy." I say to Nightwing before I go to bed.

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