Chapter 49: His Side of Power

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I skipped to the bottom of the page, where the "conclusion" was.
I think that's all you really needed to know about my--your, power. Take care, (y/n). I always knew you'd be a queen someday.

(F/n) (L/n)

I reread everything about my powers again. I needed to remember everything in case I needed it for the future.
There was one more page, but it was ripped out.
It seemed important, since there was double bold writing.
I didn't ask mom where the other page was. If it wasn't in here, then they didn't want me knowing what it was. That, or it wasn't important enough.

I went back home, and I gave my mother back the book. I made a mental note to build her a hut tomorrow morning. After all, she practically lived here now.
I flew home, and went inside my hut. Nightwing was there, and when she saw me, she bounded up and practically tackled me. It was quite adorable, honestly. I chuckle and let her lick my face.
You're back! How'd it go? She asked me, still smiling.
It went well. I found out a lot about my father's powers. I reply, obviously tired.
Cool. Here, you seem tired. Let's talk more in the morning. She said, going back onto her bed.
I nod and climb into bed.
I end up falling asleep quickly.

I wake up in an unfamiliar place.
"What? Where am I?!" I ask out loud, not aware that other people were here as well.
I looked around frantically, trying to find someone, or something.
I walked a bit, but I sank with each step.
I backed up, and I stood perfectly on top of the land I was on.
"Hello?!" I screamed.
No answer.
Of course.
I look around for 5 more minutes, then I give up and sit on the ground, wondering where I am and where everyone was.
Then, I saw Hiccup and Toothless walking. They didn't even notice me, but Toothless stole a glare at me. I ran up to them, only to sink deeper into the ground. I went back again, and only then did Hiccup turn and face me. He walked up to me, and put his hand on my cheek. I smiled, and went to put my hand on his.
He then slapped me.
Not a playful slap; but the kind of slap you'd get when you did something horribly wrong.
I just stood there, staring at him with my hand over my cheek.
"Wh.." I started.
He slapped me again.
"Just don't talk. You always say something wrong when you do." He says coldly.
"I SAID STOP TALKING! JUST SHUT UP!" He screamed at me.
I stared with tears in my eyes.
I had no idea what's going on. What happened? Why did this happen? Where was everyone?
I saw Toothless growl at me when I looked. Even his kids were growling.
They hated me.
They... hated... me...
I don't even know what I did wrong.
Did I do something wrong?
Astrid came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his torso.
I fought back the urge to scream.
He turned around, and waited until I was looking at them to kiss her.. on the lips..
I couldn't take it anymore. I fell to the floor and cried. That's when everyone else showed up.
"We could've been a couple if you hadn't showed up. We could've had a family... but you had to ruin it." Astrid says.
"I never loved you. I just pretended so I wouldn't be alone. I mean, there was always Astrid, but my dad liked you more. Frankly, I don't know why. You're a monster. You shouldn't be living. You died. Why did you come back?" Hiccup says.
It was then that I realized I could hear what was going on inside people's heads. Hear their thoughts, hear the truth.
I looked to the others, who all looked angry at me.
Even my sister.
My sister...
I looked toward Nightwing, who was sitting alone.
N-Nightwing...? I asked, my voice breaking with every syllable.
Yes? She asked.
D-do you... hate m-me too...? I asked, while I was crying.
No. I don't. I love you. I'm over here so they won't trick me into hating you. She says.
They all actually hate me... why? I ask, still crying.
Before she could answer, I heard more yelling.
"And that's another thing! You and your stupid telekinesis! It's annoying! If you're gonna talk then talk!" Astrid yells.
I just huddled up into a ball and cried into my knees, which were up to my chest.
"Stop crying! Stop playing innocent!" Tuffnut says.
I just push past all of them and run away. Nightwing runs after me, and when the others try to hold her back, she flies away and catches up to me. When I fall, she jumps into the space where I fell. We awoke back in our beds after a few seconds.
It was... a dream??
No, it was real. I can see their thoughts through my dreams.
After that, I felt bitter. I became snappy and mute. I didn't talk to anyone, not even Hiccup. He kept trying to talk to me, but I just said, "Go have fun with Astrid. I know you want to be with her anyways. So go."
He looked shocked. At first, I thought he would deny it and prove my theory wrong.
But he said what I feared he would.
"How'd you know?" He said.
I just look away. "N-no reason."
"(Y/n)..." he said, grabbing my wrist.
"Just leave! I know you all hate me so just leave!" I yell, loud enough for everyone to hear.
Good. I wanted them to hear it.
"What're you talking about?" Astrid says, getting a little too close to Hiccup.
I shook my head in disbelief and transformed into a hybrid.
"You guys have fun together. I'm leaving." I said and take off in an unknown direction.
Since my hearing is better in this form, I can hear them yelling and jumping for joy. I turn into an actual night Fury and cry as I flew. Nightwing was right behind me.
Thank you for not leaving me... I said to her.
Of course. She said, and we fell silent.

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