Chapter 34: Harald Forkbeard Returns

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"That's.. amazing.." I say, processing it.
"I'm glad he brought dragons and Vikings together. If it weren't for him, I'd've killed my best friend." She says, looking over to Stormfly.
I giggle. "And I'd've never found Nightwing here. That, and we wouldn't've been able to repopulate the night furies." I say, and she smiles and nods.
"Come on, it's time we finish up here. The others are probably finished."
I nod and put up the rest of the targets.
When we got back, we saw a Viking boat in the rocks. I pulled out Hiccup's old spyglass and looked to see who was on it.
I recognized him. He and my parents used to get together every once in a while.
It was Harald. Harald Forkbeard.

Harald used to trade goods with my parents back when we all lived there. I never mentioned them because, well, I never saw him. He'd always come at night, when I was asleep. Why, I had no idea.
He came over to say hi. We all respectively said hey back, waving as we did so.
He looked at everyone in the eyes, but when he looked into mine, I could tell he recognized me. How, I had no idea. Probably my eye color. I mean, I have grown older in the years since I was last at my original house.
"Why, (y/n)! It's been a while; good to see you again." He says, looking at me.
I just nod.
I don't have to speak to him.
Even though I don't know whether or not he's a good guy, I don't trust him. I barely know the guy! I mean, can you blame me??
"I'm guessing you're the chief of this island?" He says, looking to Hiccup.
"Ho, no. I'm the chief of Berk. (Y/n) here is the chief of this island." He says.
I look at him. What?! Since when was I chief of this island? I decide to go along with it.
"That's right. I'm chief of this island. How may I help you?" I say, trying to be as polite as I can.
"I was wondering if you could show me around the place. Maybe I could stay here for a while. I've been traveling for so long, and I really need a break from the sea. So, what do you say?" He says, smiling.
That smile... it made me feel more on-guard than I normally would be. I nodded and walked him around, but I never showed him inside of the houses. I made sure to tell everyone before they leave their houses to ALWAYS lock them so unwelcome Vikings don't walk in and steal anything. Luckily, they all locked their huts before coming to the clubhouse. Even that was locked when no one was around.
"Can I see inside the huts? I want to have a general idea of how to make my hut when I build it here." He says, and I become firm.
"Look. You are not going into ANYONE's hut. Got it? Those are private places. Even I don't go in them without permission. So you can't either." I say, and he shuts up.
'Thank Thor...' I think. This whole time he goes on and on about how nice the island is, how cool the huts are, and how 'amazing' it would be to have his own dragon.
I also hated the idea of him living here. He could easily sneak in to someone's hut at any time during the night and just kill everyone. Especially the furies on the island. Since we have 3, he could easily use them against us.
I don't know about the others, but I don't trust him at all.
We finish the tour and walk back to the clubhouse. One of the benefits of having stairs and zip lines everywhere, we don't have to ride a dragon up.
We make it back to the clubhouse and everyone was doing their own thing. Fishlegs and Hiccup were studying the dragon eye, Astrid and the twins were coming up with more defenses around the island. Heather was waiting for me to come back. When she saw me, she smiled and yelled to everyone that we were back.
I told them how it went, obviously leaving out the part where he was rambling.
When I looked back to Harald, he wasn't there. I rolled my eyes and asked the twins to look for him. I told them to be on full alert, and to bring a weapon just in case they got ambushed by hidden hunters.
They obeyed and got their swords and strapped their shield onto their back. When they were gone and it was just Hiccup, Astrid and I, I told them what really happened during the tour.
As I expected, they thought nothing of it. They both said that I've had troubles in the past, so I'm relying on those times more than the present.
"You didn't know him like I did! One time, I woke up to a figure standing in my room. When I heard him talk, I knew it was Harald. No one can mistake his voice.
He said, 'I'm going to kill every dragon in the archipelago. And you can't stop me.'
He said that TO MY FACE, when I was only 6. I was so confused. I didn't know of any dragons at the time, but when I found Nightwing, I understood." I said, but they still didn't think I should be cautious around him.
I just walked out and went back to my hut. When I got inside, I found Harald about to drug Nightwing.
"WHAT IN THOR'S NAME ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled, ready to transform.
He just looks at me, scoffs, and proceeded to tell me the most haunting news I've ever heard.
"(Y/n), has Nightwing been eating anything poisonous lately?" He asks.
"Not that I know of, she's been staying in here for the past few days. Why?"
"Because I think there's something wrong with her. She's been sick--don't ask how I know--and there's something horrible inside of her." He says.
Cold chills go down my spine.
"Why do you have a vial? What is that stuff?!" I say, pointing to the bottle.
"It's so speed up the process of it growing so she can get it out faster."
"I hope that's exactly what it is." I say under my breath.
"It is, don't worry." He said as he fed it to her.
She started yelling in pain.
"Nightwing!" I said as I ran to her.
"Don't worry, it'll only last a few seconds." He said.
I looked to him with worried eyes. She wouldn't stop yelling. I could tell Toothless and Shadow heard, because I heard my door blast open, and a very worried Toothless come bounding in. He looked to me, then to Harald. He started to growl at him, but then Nightwing stopped yelling. Then, I heard baby cries. I looked around, until I saw...

Baby Dark Fury eggs...

I looked to Shadow, who I could tell was faking his emotions.
I turned to my hybrid form.
Did you impregnate my dragon?! I asked him.
He smirked. I did. I hated Toothless having her, so I decided to impregnate her with my children. Sad thing is, there's still more to come out. He says.
What?! I look towards Nightwing again, and sure enough, more dark fury eggs were coming.
She looked so weak; so weak in fact she couldn't even lift her eyes anymore to look up at me. I decided to help get all of the eggs out.

When I helped her get them all out, I called my sister. A few minutes later, I heard her say "yes?"
I turned to her, anger expressed on my face.
She was so confused.
"YOUR dragon impregnated MINE. WITHOUT ME KNOWING." I say, then explain to her what he said to me.
She looked to Shadow in complete disbelief.
He denied it.
(S/n) believed him.
"You're lying." She said.
"Am I?" I said as I pointed to the pile of baby dark Fury eggs.
She believed me.
She turned to Shadow, who looked angry.
"You lied to me." She said softly, but in an angry tone.
Shadow just smirked.
"You know what, Shadow? YOU will be taking care of these dragons. I'll help a little, but you're doing most of the work." Said my sister.
He looked like his jaw was about to fall off.
"No, you're going to. It's your fault Nightwing is like this. Your mess, your clean up. Now get to it." She said as he gathered all of the eggs.
"I am so sorry about this." She said.
"It's fine. At least he's being somewhat punished." I reply.
"Yeah. He hates caring for dragon eggs, since all of his siblings were taken away from him and then destroyed. He was the first one born. Since he was the fastest one to grow, he hatched a few hours before the rest. When he was born, he saw hunters. He hid, under his parents' order. He obeyed, and his mother was shot down. Neither of us know whether or not she's still alive. Anyway, when the hunters found the eggs, they took a hammer and bashed the eggs in, completely killing the babies inside who were about to hatch. He hid inside the tree trunk until he knew they were gone, then left. When I found him, he was afraid of me, since I had a sword and shield, along with Viking clothes. I told him I meant no harm, and it took a while for him to trust me. He did eventually, and up until now we've searched for his mother. He never said anything about his father, so I guessed he left before he was captured." She said.
I was so shocked.
"That must have been hard for him." I said.
She nodded. "It was. We were thinking we could go search again when the furies grow older."
"Or, we could go now and have Fishlegs look after the furies. He seemed excited when he saw them."
"But how? Nightwing is too--"
I showed my dragon form, then turned back to a human.
"Oh, right. You're a dragon. Totally forgot about that."
I laughed.
"Alright then, let's get flying. I'm going to tell the others we're heading off. Meet me by the shore." She nods and I run off to Hiccup and Astrid and tell them we're going to find Shadow's mother.
On the way out, (s/n) told me what his mother looked like and where they used to live. I kept my eye out for them when we got there.
Chances are, they've left for good, but we continued looking. We looked until we saw dragon hunters carrying what seemed to be a black and white dark Fury.
"That's her!" She whispers to me. I nod and turn into a terrible terror, then hop onto her shoulder so they wouldn't suspect anything. But before that, we switched clothes so she'll look more like a "dragon hunter". Of course, one who doesn't hunt terrors.
We snuck past them, and I mind-talked to the dark Fury.
Are you the mother of a red and black dark Fury?
When I asked that, her head lifted up and she darted around for me. She saw me, and looked at me with hopeful eyes.
Yes! He's the only red and black dark Fury there is! Where is my baby! She said, desperate to see her only child.
He's back at our island. We'll help you escape, and then we'll take you back to him.
She looked so happy. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I smiled and nodded.
Okay, now to come up with a plan. I told my sister.
This will be fun.

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