Chapter 48: Reading the Journal

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We land on the sea stack, and I turn into a human, processing all I had just learned.
Man I wish father was alive.
"I can tell you're thinking about father." She says, and I nod.
"I just wish I didn't kill him. I could learn more." I said.
"Well, there is one way to learn about that side of you." She said.
I perked up. "Really? How?" I asked.
"His journal." She said, pulling a thick, nearly 1000-page book out of her jacket.
'Where was she hiding that?!' I thought to myself before taking the book cautiously and reading the introduction.

My mother said she'd go back to the edge and tell everyone where I was, but to not come find me.
I thanked her, as I wanted to be alone.
I opened the first page of the journal, and read the first entry.

You may be reading this after I have already passed. Which is good. I wanted you to read this later on. You're probably a hybrid now. Heck, maybe even the queen. I know you want to learn more about my side of power. So, let me tell you my story.
I turned the page.
When I was a teenager, I lived with a bunch of horrible people. Dragon hunters, to be exact. I was trained to kill, taught the phrase "kill or be killed." I grew up on Berk. Yes, Berk wasn't always that peaceful, as you may have heard. The chief, Stoick the Vast, who is now Hiccup Haddock's father, was the leader in the madness. He'd been raised to become a strong Viking, who would reason with no one about anything.
I was trained as well, under Stoick's wing. He'd made me one of the best fighting Vikings in his village. I could take down anything: Nadders, Gronckles, Zipplebacks, even more untamed ones like Triple Strykes and Scauldrons. The one thing I had never come across, was a Night Fury. They were black as night, as the name entailed.
No one had ever seen one up close, nor had ever gone near one. They'd always shoot before asking questions. Even if they were minding their business, they'd shoot without a second thought. They'd even kill babies too, so they couldn't grow up to be adults.
I turned the page to keep reading.
Back on Berk, I was one of the most known, second to Stoick. One day, I was out on patrol, and I came across a dragon. It was only a teenager, as it wasn't very big. I made it out to be a red death, the known alpha of all dragons. I, having sworn an oath to protect, went up to it. It looked at me, and I could tell it didn't want to cause harm. At least, that's what my heart was telling me. My mind, however, had a mind of its own. It "forced" me to slash at it. Then, it got angry. It formed a plasma blast, and aimed it straight at my face. Unluckily for me, I didn't know that's how you became a hybrid.
When I came to and went back to the village, everyone hated me. I couldn't understand why. They all threw spears and swords at me, and even heavy rocks. I then noticed why; I had dragon wings and a tail!
I turned the page to keep reading.
I went into hiding. I didn't know how to hide my newly adopted dragon side, so I ended up leaving Berk completely. I traveled, until one day I finally knew how to hide my power. It took a while, but I did it.
I kept moving, until I found a nice spot near a forest to build a house. I built it in a few months, and eventually, I found your mother. I had no idea she was a hybrid. She told me one day, and I told her I was one as well. She smiled, and eventually, I found more hybrids while I was out in the town. They were humans, but I sensed them. I asked them if they wanted to join me and make an allegiance. They all said no, as they sensed I wasn't a Night Fury hybrid. I scoffed, and practically went insane. I forced myself to become a hybrid. I did things I never knew I could do.
I realized I could corrupt time. I never could figure out how to fast forward time, but I could stop time and rewind it. I used that power to rewind time to before I met the other hybrids, and paused.
I turned the page to keep reading.
I forcibly made myself appear to be a Night Fury hybrid, and went back to the hybrids. They said yes, and we made our own island east of Berk. I let them tell me their issues, and every one of them had problems with humans and dragons. Neither would accept them, so it was as if they were nothing.
I decided to get rid of humans and dragons alike. I wanted to make my hybrids happy. I came up with plans to kill every dragon and human that ever existed. I planned this for many years. That's why I never let you outside, as you know.
I guess you want to know more about your actual power.
I turned the page to keep reading.
Well, the first thing you need to know, is how to disguise yourself. You can do this by drinking a special liquid in which is in a safe in my bedroom, then think of what you want to look like, you will look like that person. Only use this if you know you're either on a bounty, or if someone found out your secret.
Second, you need to know about mind altering, and mind controlling. They're both different, and take different strengths and muscles in the brain.
Mind altering takes longer to master, and harder concentration. It uses the part of their brain with all of their memories. You can change their memories to whatever you want them to be, and they won't know you're doing it. Only downfall: other people will know if you do it around others when you first start altering. If you're going to alter minds, or even practice, then do it in private where no one can see you.
I turned the page to keep reading.
Mind controlling is a little different. There's two types; Permanent and Temporary. Obviously, permanent controlling allows you to permanently control them, and no one but you can break it. And temporary is you controlling them, except others can break it.
Lastly, your eyes. Inside your eyes are plates that can cause a human to become a hybrid if provoked enough and your eyes turn black with hazel. This will be easier to prevent if you can calm yourself easily. One way I'd calm myself down is going out for a fly at night. It not only lets me release my anger, but it also lets me calm down in the cool nightly breeze. I'd recommend this, personally. It really helps.
I skipped to the bottom of the page, where the "conclusion" was.
I think that's all you really needed to know about my--your, power. Take care, (y/n). I always knew you'd be a queen someday.

(F/n) (L/n)

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