Chapter 15: The Army

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"Mom! Dad!" I scream.
They get out of the car, and they hear me screaming. "Hey! What in Thor's name are you doing with her?! Let her go!" My father shouts, grabbing his sword and running towards Eladrin and the others.
My mom runs to Nightwing, unhooking his muzzle.
"Call for Toothless, Nightwing. We need as much backup as we can get."
Nightwing nods and roars, calling for Toothless.
'I hope he heard it...'
She unlocks my cage, and I thank her.
"What were you doing in that cage?!" My mother asks.
"Mom... they found out what I am." I say quietly, not wanting father to hear.
"And what exactly are you?" She says.
I hesitate. 'Do I really wanna show her? What if father sees?! He'll kill me! I'm surprised he hasn't killed Nightwing yet.' I think.
But, I transform.
She stares at me, and to my surprise, she's not surprised.
I transform into my hybrid form, so I could still fly and talk at the same time.
Then, she transforms.
'M-my mother is a hybrid?!' I think, completely lost for words.
Her scales are red, then they fade from pink to white, her favorite colors.
Her eyes are white, and she has white designs all over her.
Then, she also transforms into a hybrid.
I was so lost for words.
But, I heard a screech in the air.
I look up to see Toothless. 'I guess Hiccup stayed behind...' I think sadly.
Toothless lands, and I run over to him.
"Hey, bud! Good to see you. Where's Hiccup?"
I ask.
"He had to stay behind. I'd've come sooner but he had to replace my prosthetic for my auto-tail." He says.
"Oh, okay. Well, I'm glad you could make it."
We all look to my father, who's still fighting.
We all go to help, and pretty soon, I see my worst enemies; Ryker, Dagur, that Heather girl, Viggo, and 2 other guys whom I've never met.
Dagur is the first to speak.
"Well, well, well. Looks like we have all of the night furies here. Thank you, (y/n) for rounding them up for me." He says.
"You know I'd never round them up for you, Dagur. I'm not that brainwashed. What my question is, who are the other men?"
One of them steps up. "My name is Eret, son of Eret. Finest dragon trapper alive. No one would want to cross me, I'd rip them to shreds with my bare hands."
''Man, he sure has a lot of ego.' I think, rolling my eyes.
"And you?" I ask the second Viking, and I immediately feel uneasy around him.
"My name is Alvin. I'm sure you've met the Outcasts, right?" He says.
"Uhh no, I haven't." I say.
I look to Toothless, and his eyes are complete slits at this point. I could tell he had history with all of them.
"Well, you're about to." Alvin says.
He walks towards me, and I stare into his dark green eyes.
We look at each other for a few seconds, before he knocks me out.

(M/n)'s POV
Alvin and (y/n) look at each other. Then, out of the blue, he knocks her out cold.
I was starting to get pissed.
"What the heck was that for? Leave her here and leave!" I yell at him. Whoever he was, I knew he wasn't good.
Alvin chuckles. Man, I hated that chuckle.
"Fine. I'll take you two instead.
Before this 'Alvin' guy could reach me though, both Toothless and Nightwing jumped in front of me, blocking him from getting to me. I ran over to (y/n), who was still out cold. Even her body felt cold, which was weird.
I didn't think too much on it though.
Alvin and his men 'humph'ed, and turned around. He shot my husband and I with a human tranquilizer, and once we were paralyzed, he first shot Nightwing and Toothless with the tranquilizer. He then picked us up and walked away, leaving (y/n) by herself.
His men bring the cages to the dragons, loading them in the cages. They obviously took precautions, as their mouths and wings were secured. Their tails were also removed, incase they get their wings free.
'(Y/n), I'm so sorry.' I think before I completely pass out.

(Y/n)'s POV
I awoke to darkness.
I look around; no humans or dragons anywhere.
I realized something, CRAP!
Hiccup can't help me, he doesn't have a means of transport! Damnit, damnit, damnit!
I slowly get up, pain immediately shooting all over my body as I remembered my stomach wound.
I figured it would've healed by now.. guess not.
I transform into my dragon form, and try and fly.
I plummeted for the ground.
I look, and turns out my wing was completely destroyed.
How had that happened? And how had I not noticed?!
I transform back into my human form, and realize that I'm completely alone. I can't fly for help, I can't call for help. I can't even send a message via terror.
Could this day get any worse?
Suddenly, I see the baby night fury. Surprisingly, it grew. A lot.
I decide to attempt to send a letter via the night fury.
I run upstairs to my room, and write a quick note to all of the dragon riders.
'I hope they'll get it in time...' I think.
I sign it, and put it in a special saddle bag I had made for the night fury.
I remembered he didn't even have a name.
I thought for a moment.
"Hmmm... how about Draco?"
He cuddled up to me, indicating he liked it.
I add that his name was Draco in the letter.
I ask if he knows where Berk is.
Luckily, he did.
"Could you send this letter to them as soon as possible?" I ask, hoping he could.
He nods.
Thank god.
"Thank you! Be safe, okay?" I tell him, and he nods.
I watch as he flies off at full speed.
I hope he makes it in time...

A few hours pass and still nothing. I'm almost about to cry when I hear the familiar voice of Hiccup barging into my house.
"Hiccup!" I yell.
I dash downstairs and practically crash into his arms.
"What happened? Where is everyone?" He asks.
"Every dragon hunter that there is--besides Eret--came and stole Nightwing, Toothless, and my parents." I explain.
"So why couldn't you just fly over and tell us?" Hiccup asks.
I transform into my dragon form, to show that my wing was shredded.
"Oh my gosh..." Astrid says.
"Who did this?!" Hiccup asks, obviously eager to find whoever did this and make them pay.
I tell them everyone who came here.
"This isn't good.. if they're all working together, that only can mean one thing." Fishlegs says.
"What's that?" I say after I transform back.
"An army of night furies." He replies.
"How? They only have 4 night furies. Excluding me." I say.
"Yes, but they can make new ones. They're going to change the gender of Nightwing and make him a female, then they're going to breed Nightwing and Toothless, and pretty soon..." Fishlegs trails off.
"How can they change a dragon's gender?" I ask.
"It's not easy. But they'll do it no matter the cost to create the most deadly army. They didn't take you because they know you can talk to the dragons and get them to snap out of it." Hiccup pipes in.
"Well, what're we waiting for?! Let's go get them back!" I says running for the dragons.
"Um... which dragon am I riding on?" I ask.
"You can ride with me, if you'd like. I wouldn't mind." Snotlout says, winking.
I throw up a bit in my mouth.
"(Y/n), why don't you ride with me." Astrid says.
I nod. "Okay. Hiccup, you can ride with Snotlout."
He looks sad.
"It's only for this one time. You can handle it." I say.
He smiles. "Fine, let's just go before they destroy everything."
We take off, determined to get our dragons and family members back.
I just hope it wasn't too late..

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