Chapter 19: Toothless and Nightwing

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(F/d/n) = first dragon name
(S/d/n) = second dragon name
(T/d/n) = third dragon name

I'm sure they'll return tomorrow." I say to myself.
I turn out the lights and start to fall asleep when.. I heard Toothless scream bloody murder inside my head.

I awake with a jolt after hearing Toothless's bloodcurdling scream.
I quickly put my boots on and run out of the house, frantically looking for Nightwing and Toothless. I see a shade of black inside the forest. Thinking it was them, I sprinted towards the black object.
It wasn't them.
It was my... mom?
"Mom? What're you doing here? Where's father?" I ask,
"Father is home. He's not exactly too keen on seeing you right now." She says, shrugging.
"Why?" I ask.
"Because you killed a friend of ours. Or rather, your dragon did, but he still blames you as well. I kept telling him it wasn't your fault, but he doesn't listen. He says...
'If she hadn't talked to Drago, Valka wouldn't be dead. It's her fault. It's always her fault.'
"To be honest, it's no ones fault. He told me to come get you."
I nod. "But what about Toothless and Nightwing? I heard them scream bloody murder a little bit ago. You didn't hurt them, right?" I say, eyeing her suspiciously.
She shakes her head. "No. I didn't even know they screamed. I didn't hear anything."
"They screamed in my head, that's why. Telepathic screams are the worst.." I say, shuddering.
"I think they're in the woods. They have a surprise for you." She says, smiling.
"How do you know?" I say.
"Nightwing called to me when I sailed here. She said you'll be very happy when she shows you." She says, giggling.
"Okay?? Where can I find her?" I ask, looking around into the forest.
"Go straight from here. When you get to a clearing, take a left into the side of the mountain. There's a cave entrance there, and that's where you'll find them. Good luck. Mind-talk to me if you need help."
She says, giving me a thumbs up and smiling.

I start walking in the forest, the way my mother told me to go. I had to turn into my dragon/hybrid form so I could see where I was going, since my hybrid form could see in the dark, as weird as it sounds.
I come to a clearing. It looked... amazing. I could see why Toothless and Nightwing came this way. There was a perfect view of the stars. The sky was dark blue with baby blue splotches in random places. It was like, a magical dream land of stars and blue skies.
The moon was a crescent, and it's edges were more defined than any moon I've ever seen. It shined bright, and its white color glowed in the darkened sky.
I continue left, where mom told me to go. I see a sliver of a cave entrance just up ahead, around the corner of a big boulder. I walk up to the boulder, and turn right.
What I see inside..
Left me speechless.

Baby Night Furies.


I'm sorry I'm just so excited! I walk up to them, and turn back into a human.
Toothless notices me first, and happiness fills his eyes.
T-I see you've found us. Did your mother tell you to find us?
Y-Indeed. I see you're now a father, Toothless. Congrats!
I walk up to the babies. Nightwing jerks around and was about to attack, but when she realized it was me, she cooled down.
I ask if I can hold one, and she nods in approval.
N- just be careful. They were born a couple hours before you found us. They're still sensitive to the outside world. Especially humans.
Y- I will. Don't worry.
I gently pick one up.
It cuddled me, and wrapped its tail around my left shoulder as it laid behind my neck, its head on my right shoulder.
I giggle.
Y- what're you planning on naming them?
T- that's up to you and Hiccup.
Y- us? Why us?
T- well, they're yours too, you know.
Y- should I get Hiccup?
T- no. Your mother is getting him for you. He should be here any second.

And, just as he said that, a very confused Hiccup runs over.
"What's ... going ... on...?" He says between breaths.
He looks at me, and smiles wide.
"Don't tell me... Nightwing and Toothless had babies?!" He said, looking hopeful.
"Well, who else's babies would they be?" I say, being sarcastic.
"This is so exciting! What're their names?" He says, looking at me.
"Well, I haven't named them yet. I was waiting for you so we could name them together." I say, smiling.
He smiles back.
"Alright. How about the one on your shoulder is (f/d/n), this one will be (s/d/n), and that one is (t/d/n). What do you think?"
I smile. "I like them. What do you think, guys?" I ask Toothless and Nightwing.
They look at each other and nod.
"They like it." I say to Hiccup.
He laughs. "I'm glad they do."
"I'm gonna stay here with them to help with the babies. You go back home and rest. We'll be fine." I say to Hiccup.
He nods and kisses my cheek.
"I hope so." He says, and waves goodbye. I watch him leave, then transform into my Night Fury form and sit next to the other two night Furies and watch as the one that was on my shoulders, (f/d/n), was now in between my front legs, resting his head on my right leg. I giggle to myself and see that Toothless and Nightwing are smiling. (S/d/n) is laying in between Toothless's front legs, and (t/d/n) is laying in between Nightwing's front legs.
'They're all so adorable..' I think to myself.
All of the night Furies fall asleep soon after the babies had. I kept my left wing over (f/d/n) so he would be protected right away should any dragon hunters came by.
Luckily, none came by. At least none that we heard.

Morning came by in a breeze. We all stretch, and wake up to see Heather standing in front of us.
My eyes turn to slits as soon as I see her, since we never actually made friends with her. At least, I don't remember if we did or not.
Y- Guys! Wake up! Heather is here!
I keep my eyes on Heather as Toothless tells me that she's a dragon rider. Apparently, she became one while I was away after the incident with Valka.
Y- Oh. My bad.
Toothless giggles.
My eyes become normal again and I transform into my human form, letting (f/d/n) rest behind my neck again.
Heather looks surprised that I'm a hybrid. I don't blame her though.
We start talking, and she says that her brother..
"Dagur?! Why is Dagur here??!" I say, looking afraid for my dragons and their babies.

Don't worry. He's changed. He won't try to hurt you or the night furies." She says, trying to reassure me.
I nod uncertainly and follow her to where she says Dagur is. (F/d/n) is still sleeping on my shoulder blades, which I didn't mind.
It was soothing, hearing their cute and quiet snore.
We continue walking to the docks. Dagur was standing there, waiting for Heather and I.
I cautiously walk up to him, and he looks to me, and starts walking towards me.
I stand still, giving him a chance to prove that he's changed.
He doesn't try to grab (f/d/n), nor does he try to kill me.
'I guess he has changed...'
We start talking, and Dagur says he was going to ask Hiccup to help him train his own dragon, but he said he was too busy with the A-Team and all of the pre-chief work that had to be done, which Dagur understood.
I said I would help him, if he promised to not hurt me, or any of the dragons on the island.
He promised.
'Hopefully I can learn to trust him.' I think before walking Dagur to the far side of the island.

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