Chapter 30: The Betrayer

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I talked about this with Astrid.
"Why would one of our own betray us? When I find out who it is, they're going to be dead." Astrid says, holding her axe.
"I'm sure we'll find out who it is at some point. For now, let's get some sleep. It's pretty late." I say, and walk her home. When we get there, I hug her good night and walk back to my own house, where Nightwing was peacefully sleeping. I guess she didn't wanna hear the announcement.
Though I wouldn't be surprised if she did, with Stoick's booming voice. I wake her up to give her one Salmon before bed. She liked to steal Salmon before sleeping. It helped her sleep better.
She happily ate it and went back to sleep.
"Good night, Nightwing." I say, and drift off to sleep myself.
Good night, (y/n).

When I awoke, I saw a pair of furious eyes staring at me. I jerk awake, falling backwards off of my bed and onto the hard floor. Even though my bed is comfortable, my floor is like cobblestone. All rocky and hard.
I get up and force my eyes to adjust to the angry Viking standing in front of me.
It turned out to be Stoick.
"What were you doing last night, (y/n)? Why did you come back so late with Hiccup when Toothless got captured?" He asked me.
I was so confused. "Uhh, what?" I ask, sleepily, as I was still not 50% awake yet.
"Hiccup told me that when Toothless was captured, you spent an awful lot of time over where the hunters were. So tell me, what we're you doing before you brought him back?"
I was fully awake now, but still confused as heck. Did Stoick think I communicated with the hunters?!
"I was waiting until night time to bring him back, sir. I thought if I tried to get him while it was still day and the hunters were awake, it'd be a lot harder to get him back and one of us could've gotten hurt, with Hiccup being defenseless and all." I say. If he thinks I'm lying, then obviously he doesn't trust me. He knows I despise all dragon hunters. At least, I hope he did.
"Hmm, that's not what Hiccup told me. He said he saw you communicating with them in the light of day. And, he saw you talking to Toothless about the plan to get him alone near a ship and get him to rescue Toothless, then get purposefully captured." He says.
I'm raging now.
"That. Is.  NOT. what happened. I don't know what he told you, but I can rest assure you, I would NEVER work with those pests. If I was working for the hunters, why would I have a dragon? Why would I transform? Why would I have these powers to begin with? You need to stop and ask, 'Would my own future daughter in law betray her home, one she's lived upon many years, would she stay away, for FIVE YEARS, to keep you guys safe from becoming the main target for the hybrid army? They know where I am, but they don't know where Berk is. At least, not that I know of. They can track me down. If I lived with you guys back when the hybrid army was still together, they'd have taken Berk, killed most if not all your people, have killed YOU, burned your village, and wounded every dragon that stood in their path. I was keeping you safe by not returning. You honestly think, I would try and get my BOYFRIEND captured?!" I was crying as I was yelling now.
"I'll just leave if you don't trust me. Because clearly you don't."
I get ready and pack my things, bringing nothing except a fishing bowl, a canteen for water, a blanket and pillow.
I walk past him and grab the flight suit Hiccup made me, and put it in my bag. He tries to grab it, but I change my eyes to become dragon eyes and growl at him, warning him to back off. I transform into a night Fury and dart out of my house, carrying my satchel in my claw.
I flew off to the house I made when I was hiding from the Berkians.
It took a while but I managed to return. I threw my stuff in my old room and laid on my bed, about to let out all of my frustration on the bedpost. I didn't though, since I didn't wanna cause more pain to myself than I already have.
My own father in law didn't believe me.. he thought I purposefully tried to get Hiccup to go to the hunters alone, then sell him off to them so they can kill his dragon and possibly him.
I'm doing everything I can to PROTECT them. How the heck did they come up with the idea of me hurting him? I'd never hurt him.
Ugh. I'll just sleep I guess. Since I don't know what else to do.

Hiccup's POV
I went into (y/n)'s house to see if she was awake. When I got to her room, though, everything was torn apart. The flight suit I made for her was gone, and her fishing pole was gone too. I know she wasn't out fishing, since she'd always taken Nightwing with her. But she was here, worried out of her mind and pacing back and forth. I asked my dad where she was and he said he didn't know.
I thought of the only place she could've gone, her old home. The home she made when she was hiding from us. I jumped onto Toothless and told Nightwing that we'd bring her back. She wanted to go too, but I said no since I didn't wanna worry about more than I can handle. And if she's mad, I don't wanna cause her to lose it again.
I set out with Toothless and fly to her home. It would take a while to get there, so I thought of reasons as to why she just left without saying anything to my dad.

We got there late. It was already turning to dusk, and I assumed she was asleep by now. We decided to just camp out outside, instead of just barging in.
Then I remembered that she had a safe place for humans and dragons who were outside. She always encouraged all the dragons to sleep in there, since the ground was made of both fire rock for the dragons, and soft carpet for the humans. Both were separated by a stone block, of course.
We decided to stay in there, since she'd always check there first thing when she woke up before she had breakfast.
We fell asleep soon after. Toothless held me against him so we'd be warmer. It was a pretty chilly night, as is any other night.
When we woke up though...

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