Chapter 3: Busted

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"(Y/n), we know where you're keeping it. And we're very disappointed."
These words hit me like a brick.
'Oh no.. she knows about Nightwing..' I thought.
"Hiding what?" I ask as calmly as I could.
"Your journal. Your father and I found it in your room and decided to look through it. We found a ton of photos of a dragon in it. A specific dragon. One that shall not be in any way, shape, or form, in this house. So, we burned it. I'm sorry if there was anything valuable. It's gone."
I was enraged. "You guys went through my journal, AND burned it?! So what if there's a drawing of a Night Fury in it! You have NO RIGHT to go through my stuff! Much less BURN it!" I yell.
"Don't you dare get that tone with me, young lady. I will NOT tolerate it."
"I don't care! You have NO RIGHT to do this!"
I say as I walk away.
"And where do you think you're going?" My father calls.
"I'm leaving this hellhole. I'm sorry, but I can't deal with this. All my life I've been trapped in this house. I was never allowed to go outside. Much less the woods. I wanna explore the world! I wanna actually LIVE. Here, I'm not living. I'll be gone by dusk."
My parents sat there, surprised. Then, my father came angrily towards me and gripped my arm and pushed me against a wall. "If you think you're going anywhere, it will be to your room. You. Are. Not. Leaving. This. House. Understood?"
I stood there.
"UNDERSTOOD?" He said, in a much more toned voice.
I still stood there, saying nothing.
I never answered, nor said a word. I just stood there, glaring at him.
When I never answered, he dragged me and almost threw me into the truck.
"You wanna leave and see what will happen if you ever encountered a dragon? Well I'll show you."

We drove for a little bit. He kept hold on my arm the whole time, to avoid me getting out of the car.
'Man, I'm hoping nothing will happen.. if Nightwing comes.. it's all over for the both of us.'

We reach the dragon ring. We're still within Nightwing's earshot, which is a good thing. Yet, also a bad thing.
We go inside, as nobody is there. We weren't aware that there was a dragon inside the cage inside the ring.
People started to gather a little while later.
They shouted things like, "Yeah, we have 2 people who will kill the dragon!" And "Be ready, guys!"
I was so confused. Then, behind us, the cage door opened, and a metal dragon I instantly recognized as a Razorwhip flew out.
'Oh no...'
The razorwhip instantly flew for my father. I jumped in front of him, pushing the dragon away before it could reach him. In the stands, I saw Jack next to another boy.
'Must be his boyfriend or something. Eh, I'll ask him later.'
Then, before I knew it, the razorwhip darted for me, and before I could react, a flash of black and brown darted in front of me.
I looked up.
'No! No no no! Nightwing, you'll get killed!'
Nightwing started pushing the dragon away from me, and I could hear my father's heavy breathing. Not from exhaustion, mind you.
From anger.
I looked over at him and I could see his face as he came towards me. His face full of pure hatred.
"Why did this.. this ABOMINATION just defend you?! Is there something you're not telling us??"
I looked down.
"He's mine..." I say.
"What?! You do realize they're dangerous, right?" He asks anxiously.
"Father, they're not dangerous. He's been good to me ever since I met him. None of the dragons are dangerous. They're territorial."
My father shakes his head. "No. You're not getting it. They. Are. Dangerous. You can't trust them. Which is why I need to kill them."
He grabs a knife and runs towards Nightwing.
I scream, "NO!!" I run after him and take the knife out of his house. I knock my father out unconscious and put him out of the ring.
"You're not killing my dragon. Nobody is." I say to him before walking back into the ring.
"Nightwing! Come on boy, we're leaving." I call out to him.
Before I could even take a step forward, my mother came up behind me and knocked me to the floor. "You're not keeping that dragon, and that's final!"
She went up to Nightwing and before actually killing him, she slashed at him. Luckily, he saw just in time and put his tail in front of him. Sadly, the left side of his tail was removed. "Mom! Stop!" I pleaded.
"No! You knew the consequences of having a dragon around! This is your consequence!"
She lunged forward, and someone grabbed me from behind. It was my father. He has regained consciousness and was holding me back so his wife could kill my only happiness.
I decided to use the strength I learned. I smacked my elbow into my fathers face, sending him off of me. I ran past my mother and jumped onto Nightwing.
"If you guys don't want him around, then so be it. But I'm leaving too. I'll see you around."
I ran with Nightwing out of the ring and proceeded to fly off with him, grabbing my bag on the way. My parents stood there, looked at each other, and calmly went back to their house.
"What are we going to do with that girl?" My mother said angrily.
"Well, we did try to kill her Night Fury.. when it clearly was trying to protect her.." my father replied.
"Yes, but that dragon is not to be fooled around with, (f/n). It doesn't matter whether that dragon is no longer 'dangerous.' Night Fury's are known to fake their emotions. Once he gets her alone, he might attack."
He stood there in silence, thinking it over.
Finally, he spoke. "Look. We'll leave her alone for now. If she ends up getting hurt, I'm sure she'll come back. If she's not back within a couple weeks, then she's fine. Let's just do whatever we want to do, until bedtime. I'm sure she'll be fine.

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