Chapter 14: Going Home

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My mother nods. "Good. We leave tomorrow at dawn. Get everything you need from your house, and we shall set sail. Goodnight."
I knew the next 7 months were going to suck.

That night, after I left the docks, I went to my house and started packing the things I would need;
My Journal, a couple clothes, my extra set of armor, a few weapons, and my mask that Hiccup had left here. He said I could use it since I'll probably need it more than he would.
I also brought a bigger version of the Book of Dragons that I had written.
Earlier, when I was at Hiccup's house, I had asked him if I could make a bigger version of the Book of Dragons; you know, incase the original gets lost or got destroyed, we'd have a copy of it. I added any new breeds that I learned about from the books back home, and I copied the entries that were already in the book. I brought it along with me with Hiccup's permission, so I could add new facts or species of dragons I may come across. Of course, he agreed.
The last thing I brought was Nightwing's prosthetic tail.
Nightwing has 2 different tails; the tail that has to be manually controlled, like Toothless's, but also there's his auto tail.
His prosthetic tail was neon green with black stripes. I liked it, it reminded me of Hiccup's bright green eyes.
I brought it with me so I could feel like I was looking into his eyes whenever I saw the prosthetic. I told Hiccup the times my parents wouldn't be home so he could fly over and see me whenever he wanted.
Only thing was he had to leave before they came back so they wouldn't kill Hiccup.
I mean, they understand we're a "thing" but like, they still don't like when people are over when they're home unless they invite them themselves. And I don't wanna risk Hiccup being taken away from me so..
Anyway, I finish packing and head over to Hiccup's for one final night before heading back home.
I quietly head inside and up the stairs to Hiccup's room.
When I get near, I hear faint crying. I head inside his room to find him in the corner. I could tell he was upset. I put my stuff down and rushed over to him.
"You okay? What's wrong?" I ask nervously.
Hiccup notices it's me and hugs me tighter than he's ever done before. I hugged back, running my hand through his hair to calm him.
"W-why do you have to go?" He asked.
"It's not my choice, Hiccup. I have to go. My parents are strict and they won't take no for an answer when I'm ordered to do something. Besides, you can always visit me between the hours I told you." I say, kissing his cheek.
He smiles.
"Every day?" He asks.
"Every day. Unless you have a mission or you're busy. If you have a mission, you can't come see me until the mission is done. Okay?" I ask.
He nods. "But what if I need you? What if something happens to us and we can't escape?"
I think for a moment. "Have Toothless and the other dragons send out a distress signal in the air. Given by where I am, I'll see it wherever you happen to be. I'll call for Nightwing and we'll meet you, then we'll help you guys escape."
He smiles again. "Thank you."
I nod. "Of course. I'd never let you stay tied up in a dirty old cell."
He kisses me. "I know. I wouldn't either. If you ever need me, transform into your dragon form and call out to Toothless. He'll get me and we'll rescue you."
I nod and kiss back.
"Come on, we need rest." I say.
"B-but tomorrow you'll be gone... I wanna savor the time I have with you."
I giggle. "Okay, but if you're tired tomorrow, don't blame me."
He nods and we stay awake, talking about out past and what we want our future to be like.
We talked about our strengths and weaknesses, and the story behind his prosthetic leg.
"You lost it while you were fighting the alpha? Wow.. if only I knew you then.." I say.
He laughs. "Yeah, you probably could've saved me from losing my leg."
I giggle. "You know what I just realized?"
"What?" He asks.
"We're not actually a couple. Like, we're not full-on boyfriend and girlfriend."
He thinks. "True. I just wanted to wait to get to know you more before I thought about that. And... now I feel like I know everything about you."
I smile. "So, Hiccup Haddock, will you be my boyfriend?"
He grins. "Yes." He says while kissing me.
I smile. "Now while I'm gone, don't go kissing Astrid." I say, half-sarcastically and half-seriously.
He looks at me like are-you-kidding-me. "You know I'd never do that, (y/n). If she tried to force herself on me I'd just push her off and have Nightwing be my guard." He says while giggling.
"If he's up for it." I say while giggling as well.
I look outside to see that it's getting pretty light outside.
"Hey, it's almost morning. Are you sure you'll be able to keep the village armed with me gone? I don't want you being too upset about the fact that I'm not there that it makes you unable to perform your duties here on Berk." I say.
He kisses my cheek. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. As long as I know you're okay I'll be okay." He says.
I smile.
I hear a knock at the door.
"*sigh*. That must be them." I say, sadly.
"I'll see you soon, okay? I love you."
"I love you too." I reply.
I grab my bag and hug him before meeting my parents.
I go downstairs to open the door and see my mother standing there...
With Nightwing.
"Mom? Why do you have my dragon next to you? I thought he couldn't come with us."
"Well, we decided we'd give him another chance, seeing as he saved you."
I smile. "Thank you, mother."
She nods. "Are you ready to leave?"
I nod.
We both head for the docks. Hiccup's right behind me and I hug him before I get on the boat.
I look back and wave to him, while my parents are waving to Stoick.
They both wave back.
The sail back was quiet. I spent my time writing in my journal and my parents were reading.

Hiccup x Reader: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now