Chapter 43: My Life Before Yours

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Then, Meatlug roared, calling for the other Gronckles on the island. They all came one by one, and spewed a giant lava pool in a hole that they dug quickly. The Eruptodon turned around and ate/drank the lava in the pool.
"Thank you for saving our beloved Eruptodon. Without you our village would be destroyed." Throk says, shaking my hand.
I smile and nod, shaking his hand back respectively.
"Should you ever need us again, terror mail Dragon's Edge. We'd be more than happy to help." I say, and wave goodbye as we all take off back home.

We get home, and it was pretty late, so we all went to our huts. I did my usual check on all of the locks, even the cells and the stables. Once I made sure they were all locked, I went to my own hut and went to bed.
Tomorrow will be a long day.. I can feel it.

I awoke to someone shaking me. I woke up groggily, and looked to see who was shaking me.
It was Hiccup.
"Hey! I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date later on. Around 8 tonight?" He asks, sitting on my bed next to me.
I smiled. "Sure, I'd love to!" I say.
"Great! I'll pick you up around 7.55, okay?" He says.
I nod.
"By the way, it'll only be us. No dragons are coming."
I stare at him, and at first he doesn't get why I'm staring.
Then he realizes.
"I mean, no full dragons! Like, dragons who aren't hybrids can't come-" I cut him off by kissing him.
"You know, you could've said that it'll only be us." I say, and giggle.
He puts his hand behind his head and chuckles.
"Heh... whoops..." he says, looking down.
I laugh at his dumbness. Then, I have him go out so I can change into my armor and go on patrol. He asks after I change if we can go on patrol together, since we haven't been alone in a long while. I say that's fine, and turn into a day Fury. My day Fury form is different than my night Fury form. It still has the same designs on my wings, body, head and tail, but my scales are a baby blue instead of black. I turned into this so that way if we spot enemy ships, they won't notice us right off the bat.
We fly around for what seemed like hours. I looked to the sky, to see that it was midday. We finish patrol and settle down in the woods on the other side of the island, near the volcano. I go out to the ocean to catch a few fish for both of us.

I came back, and we sat and had lunch.
We started talking about future plans for both Berk, Dragon's Edge, and all of the dragon riders and their dragons.
"Well, what happens when we get too old to be chiefs? Who will take over for Dragons Edge? Your sister isn't too much younger than you, only by like 10 or so years." Hiccup says.
I think.
"Maybe we could have a chief-in-training of our own." I say, looking over at Hiccup, smirking.
He turned a bright, bright red. I laughed at this, because he looked so shocked.
"I'm just kidding! We're still fairly young. It'll be weird to have a chief in training at this age." I say, giggling. He relaxed. Then he joined in on my laughter.
"I'm sorry, I just wasn't expected that!" He said while laughing.
We laughed for a little bit. We went on to talking about when I was revived.
"Well, yes, I came back with my powers. But, I knew that it would be greedy of me if I was revived, but Toothless wasn't. So, I tried to read all about Hybrids. And, I eventually found something in a  hidden book only magik users could open. I opened it, and read until I came across a particular page. Reviving loved ones. I learned how to do it on dragons and decided to test it out. I went back to Toothless's grave at night, dug him up, and focused all of my power on him. It worked, and Toothless then opened his eyes. I was so happy. I brought back the dragon my boyfriend loved more than me. I know you couldn't live with yourself if you lost everything. But, in doing so, I read afterwards that people who weren't the queen could only revive one person, and if they did, all of their power would drain out of their system except their ability to talk to dragons." I explained, and Hiccup looked amazed at me.
"Is that why you didn't have your power when I found you? And why you tried to hide yourself?" He asked softly.
I nodded, looking at the ground.
"I knew you would hate me if you ever found me again. So, I stayed hidden. The only reason why you never found me when searching was because my house was covered by this rare camouflage paste that couldn't be seen in the air, but only on the ground. Or, at night." I continue.
He grabs my hand. "I'm sorry, (y/n). I should have never sent you away."
I held his hand tightly. "It's okay. You put your villagers first. I would have done the same thing."
We lean in for a kiss, when I hear rustling in the woods a few feet in front of me.
I growled, and Hiccup stopped to look at me.
"(Y/n)? What's wrong?" He says, looking around.
I turn into my alpha night Fury form and stand next to Hiccup, my tail wrapped around him in a protective way.
2 dragon Hunters emerged from the woods, each carrying dragon proof bolas. My eyes turn to slits, and my eyes glow. I raise my wings as I growl and follow Hiccup's movements as he walks backwards.
"Who are you? What do you want?" Hiccup asks.
"We're here for Toothless. Looks like you're alone out here. With no protection whatsoever besides this night Fury. Grab him!" The man on the right says.
Then, the left one goes to get me, but he notices something different.
"Sir, this isn't Toothless. Look at it's wings." He says, and the man on the right looks.
"Where is Toothless!" The man on the right then says.
The one on the left walks closer, and I form a plasma blast in my throat. I stop when I hear more rustling from behind me. I listen, and shoot around just in time to blast a man back against a tree.
"Nice shooting, (y/n)!" Hiccup whispers. I lick his cheek and he petted my head. My attention was locked on the other hunters though. One stepped forward, and I growled loudly, warning him to stay away from Hiccup and myself. He kept coming forward, and I formed another blast in my throat. He still kept coming forward.
When he was around 2 feet away, Hiccup grabbed his fire sword and put his finger on the zippleback gas trigger. He didn't push it, but he was ready.
"Relax, (y/n). We're not going to hurt you." The one who was on the left says.
"How do you know her name?" Hiccup asks him.
"Oh please, everyone knows who the dragon queen is. It's in all of the history books." He says.
I froze.
'Oh no...' I think.
"Well, if you want her, you have to go through me." He says, but before he goes anywhere I fly off and grab him in my teeth.
"(Y/n)! Put me down!" He says, trying to get free.
No. Those men.. I recognized them from somewhere.
"Wait, you can talk to my mind?" He asks.
Yes, but you cant reply through your mind. Not unless I turn you into a hybrid. Which, by the way, I'm not doing.
"Ah, okay. Who were those men? Do you remember their names?" He asks me.
No, sadly. I think they were Elric and Cobalt, but I could be wrong.
He nods, still thinking. "When we get back to the edge, I'm going to go to Berk and see if they have any books on dragon queens and their origins. Do you think you can stay here and take care of the village?"
Yes. Just be careful.
"I will." He says and hugs my snout. I look at him, and I laugh.
When we get around to the edge, I call out to Toothless to come outside. He does, and he checks to make sure he has his auto tail on, and he does.
He flies up to us, and I carefully put Hiccup on his back without crushing Hiccup between my teeth.
I get him on, and I tell Toothless to take care of him. He nods, and I nod to Hiccup. They fly off, and I fly down to Nightwing. I open the door to my hut, shut it, and use my tail to give Nightwing some salmon while grabbing some myself. She eats it without hesitation, and I lay next to her.
So, how's your nap? I ask her.
It was good. I feel better about moving my wing. I've been practicing. She replies, looking at her prosthetic wing.
Practicing? How? I ask.
I move my wing up and down hard for long periods of time. Even with a little weight on my back. It doesn't hurt unless I do it for around 8 hours.
I look amazed at her. She's actually been training herself to be able to fly again.
I'm proud of you, Nightwing. It's great that you wanna get in the air again.
She nods, then yawns.
I'll leave you to sleep. Goodnight.
She nods and goes back to sleep.
I hope Hiccup finds something on the dragon queen.

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