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Carol had been so unimpressed by my ability to follow a recipe that she had laid out all the necessary ingredients and left step by step instructions for the dinner I was supposed to make. This time it involved a stack of neatly organized Tupperware with a note taped to the top that read: 

Turn the Crock Pot to High, dump everything together, and don't touch it for four hours. Even you can't screw this up. 

I snorted and pulled the stack out of the fridge, setting it beside the crock pot she had left out on the counter. I shook my head, chuckling to myself. I really didn't think I was that bad. I was just dumping everything together when Carl came in. 

"Hey," he greeted climbing up onto a bar stool at the counter. 

"Hey," I responded smiling at him as I worked. 

He watched me for a few moments in silence before he spoke up. "That's so creepy," he finally said. "How do you do that?"

I frowned at him and them looked down and realized I was rolling a knife around in my left hand. I flashed him a predatory smile. "Takes practice." 

He nodded, reaching out and snagging a snack from the small basket Carol had started stocking with available snack foods for anyone who was hungry. He popped a peanut in his mouth and continued to watch me work. 

"What are you up to?" I asked, pulling out a spoon and mixing the concoction together. It smelled alright but it certainly didn't look very good. Oh well, Carol hadn't disappointed us yet. 

"I don't know," he shrugged. "How about you?" 

I pressed my lips into a line. "I think I'm going to go for a run." 

"A run?" he asked, smirking. 

I nodded thoughtfully. "Can't neglect the cardio," I said with a teasing smile. "It's hard to stay in shape in here..."I dragged off, snagging the lip on the crock pot and cranking it up to High. 

"Without raising suspicion?" he finished for me. 

I nodded. "Hard to look like a meek little teacher if I'm training constantly." 

"Are you really going to be my teacher?" he asked, smirking up at me. 

I arched a brow and nodded again silently.

 He snorted and shook his head, looking down at the food in his hands. 

"What?" I asked incredulously. 

He continued to shake his head, fighting back a smile. "I just have a really hard time seeing you teaching anything but advanced knife skills or hand-to-hand." 

I snorted and tossed one of the Tupperware lips at his head. He swiped it away easily and grinned cheekily at me. 

"I'll have you know I was an excellent teacher," I teased indignantly. 

"You were?" he asked frowning. 

I felt the smile slip from my face and I sank my teeth into my bottom lip. "Yeah, I was." I replied seriously. 

He nodded, noticing my sudden shift in mood. "Cool," he said looking at his hands. 

I could tell he was feeling bad, like he had put me in a bad mood or something. So in the interest in making him feel better I found myself opening up to him when I would have rather kept to myself. 

Last One Standing ~ TWD Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now