Chapter 4

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~A/N~ Editing Leila is looking back on these chapters and cringing, but I'm also really proud of my character building skills because they're all completely different people by the time they get to fourth year.
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

"Woah," I gasped as I got off the train, and heard Hermione and Neville make a similar noise next to me. Hannah had deserted us long before, eager to go and meet some of the other first years. I could see her then, in my peripheral vision, giggling with another first year boy whom she seemed to get on with well. I was okay with that. I didn't feel good enough for her.

But that wasn't why I was so amazed. In front of me was a huge castle, on a scale unlike one I had ever seen before. Illuminated by the glowing orange-yellow lights coming from the warm looking inside, the towering edifice was even more spectacular than I could ever imagine. I was just an ant staring at it, imagining it sprouting legs and squashing me before I even had time to scream. Specific elements looked like they had been plucked out of Ancient Rome or Greece, like the tall pillars holding up parts of the castle, and others like the huge clock over an archway appeared to be inspired by more later dates in history, making the castle appear as though an architect had just splattered all of their ideas into one magnificent construction.

I shivered, gazing at the school. I had no idea how I would find my way around. I even heard someone say it had 142 staircases, which wasn't surprising. That creation seemed as though it could take more staircases than that, with extra hidden ones in each of the towers. The enormous, jagged cliff it was sat on didn't exactly do much for my nerves.

"That is the coolest thing I've ever seen," I heard a voice whisper next to me, and I turned to see Luke, who I'd met on the train.

"I know," I breathed back, too much in awe of the castle to speak at a normal volume. "It's even more beautiful than I dreamed it would be."

"Firs' years! Firs' years with me!" A huge bellow broke us out of our trances. I spun around, looking for Hermione and Neville, but they had been lost in the crowd. I could see Luke, now joined with Calum, frantically searching for the other two boys, but he seemed to give up after he became aware that he wouldn't be able to find them in the sea of students.

I scurried over to them, careful not to trip over the robes that I had changed into closer to the end of the journey. "Do you know where we have to go?"

Calum shook his head, "Let's just follow the crowd."

"Firs' years over here!" a huge man with a bushy black beard yelled. "Are yeh firs' years?" He looked down at us, and while Luke seemed terrified and Calum was starstruck I saw a kind face under the messy long beard and moustache.

"Yep," I said.

"I'm Hagrid," the man giant introduced himself, then pulled Luke by the arm, who grabbed hold of Calum's hand who subsequently grabbed hold of my hand, and we were pulled away in a human chain. He pulled us over to a group of other first years, then led everyone away.

Slipping and stumbling, we tripped down a steep dark path. It was too dark to see where I was putting my feet, or anyone around me, so I ended up being pulled along by Calum who was chatting animatedly to Hagrid. I would've joined in if I wasn't so focused on keeping my balance.

A loud scream sounded behind me, follow by a harsh skid, and I registered a body crashing into me. Letting go of Calum's hand, I tried not to fall backwards and released a tiny shriek.

"Sorry!" came a frantic voice, "Oh, hi Leila."

"Hi Michael," I whispered, recovering from the impact and greeting the boy.

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