Chapter 79

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~A/N~ it's been a minute
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

"What do you mean, High Inquisitor?" Calum snorted, almost choking on his toast.

"Yeah, that's what it says," I frowned, scanning the Daily Prophet again. "Umbridge has been made High Inquisitor due to her 'immediate success' and 'the falling standards at Hogwarts'. This is ridiculous!"

"Wait, what does that mean?" Michael asked nervously. "Has that changed her position, I mean, how much power does she have?"

"It says she can inspect her fellow educators, but that's all on the matter," I said with relief. "At least she can't do much. It doesn't say she can fire them."

"Pass it here," Ashton said, and I handed over the newspaper for him to skim before turning to my other letters.

My parents had sent the usual, asking about how I was settling in and my grades, how my friends were, nothing new. Sofiyah once again raved about her life and how much she missed me, and her excitement to get her Hogwarts letter in the upcoming summer holidays. But Naadiya's made me shrivel in concern.

Dear Leila,
How are you? I hope things are good. I'm fine, you shouldn't worry. I think I'll be busy in the holidays though so you have my permission to stay at school with your friends.
Love you lots,

"Hey, are you ok?" Luke asked, worry flooding into his eyes, and I shot him a fake smile.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

Though he could obviously see through my façade, he remained quiet and I looked down at my feet, pursing my lips. Did he not care anymore? Was I just too problematic?

Tingles crept up my spine. Twin vision wasn't really a thing, but I could read my sister like a book and always knew what she was thinking; something was off, and I couldn't tell what it was. I had to find out.

"Hi, Hannah," I said glumly, taking a seat next to the friendly Hufflepuff as we waited for Arithmancy to start. Ashton and Hermione sat opposite in stony silence and the awkwardness hung like a dense fog in the air. Hermione was still off with me,  Ashton was tired, and I still had to figure out why Hannah had broken up with Calum. This wasn't going to be fun.

Professor Vector seemed in an even worse mood than usual and the atmosphere in the classroom grew darker, not improving anything for me. My heart was a boulder in my chest, weighing me down, and I groaned.

"Ashton, I want you to come clean to me," I said, grabbing my friend's attention. "What was going on with you last year? Why were you so weird after Christmas?"

"I already told you, Luke took something of mine-"

"No, that's not good enough!" I snapped, raising my voice so the whole class had its attention focused on the two of us. "I'm sick of you avoiding questions and avoiding me, it's not fair! Have you thought about me this whole time? No!"

"Miss Ahmed-" Professor Vector tried to interrupt but I wasn't having any of it.

"You've become insufferable, Ashton Irwin! I'm not having it any more, either you tell me what's going on or I'm cutting you out of my life!"

"Miss Ahmed! Stop this minute!"

"LET ME FINISH! Ashton, this friendship is turning sour faster than you can speak, and it's your fault! I haven't done anything wrong, if you have a problem with Luke you should have taken it out on him!"


"FINE!" I grabbed my bag, leaving my peers in stunned silence as I stormed out of the lesson, slamming the door behind me. Glistening scarlet filled my eyes as hot tears poured down my cheeks - finally I had said what I really thought, but it didn't feel any better. All I felt was sadness, anguish at my burned friendship, and terror at what Professor Vector would say. Surely this was the last straw.

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