Chapter 78

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~A/N~ Having the worst month of my life how are you
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

"How are things with Luke?"

I rolled over sleepily and grunted.

"I know you can hear me," said Lavender, "so it would really be in your best interest to reply."

"They're fine," I sighed. "Very much the same. Now can you leave me to sleep?"

"No, we have school today so get up," Ginny ordered, already dressed and dragging a comb through her long flaming hair. "You have double History of Magic first, you can sleep then."

"Fair enough," I said, slipping out of the warm sheets and shivering as the chilly air licked my bare skin. "And Lavender, I'm trying to have a drama free year so I'll just accept whatever happens with Luke and leave it at that."

"Boring!" Parvati's voice floated over from the bathroom. "Who else is supposed to amuse us with their love life?"

"Hermione?" Ginny suggested, smirking. "I think she's secretly engaged to Ron and having an affair with Harry."

"You're joking, but that could legitimately happen in the future," Parvati giggled and Hermione sent her daggers.

"Oh, and while we're on the subject Hermione, you should stop hanging around Harry," said Lavender. "He's a liar, making up all that stuff about You-Know-Who being back, it's honestly ridiculous!"

"Keep your big fat mouth shut about him!" Hermione shouted. "It is all true, but cowards like you don't want to believe it!"

We all watched silently as she stormed out of the room, slamming the oak door behind her as her heavy footsteps echoed back up to us.

"She's been in a bad mood-" I said, but Ginny interrupted.

"Who's side are you on?! Do you believe Harry or not?"

"Of course I believe Harry, I'm just saying Hermione's been in a bad mood with me, and Lavender shouldn't take it personally."

"Maybe she should just believe Harry instead of journalists who are determined to make him look like an idiot in the Daily Prophet!"

"Calm down!" I hurriedly reassured the girl, who looked on the verge of screaming. "I'm on your side, don't worry!"

Exchanging a nervous look with Lavender, I followed Ginny downstairs to meet the boys in the common room, who all looked ridiculously happy.

"You're all far too cheerful this morning," Ginny grumbled, glaring at the sea of smiling faces beaming back at her.

"We've just sorted out some things," grinned Ashton, sidling over to sling his arm around my shoulder and pull me in for a side-hug. My eyebrows raised involuntarily as I caught sight of Calum and Michael winking at me - this was the first affection the curly-haired boy had shown towards me in months, and I had never figured out why.

"Sorted out what?" I asked.

"Things," Michael repeated cryptically and I narrowed my eyes at him before pulling away to go and talk to the Weasley twins.

"Fred! George!" I lowered my voice after grabbing their attention. "Ginny told me about Grimmauld Place."

"Oh really?" George asked. "And...?"

"I'm offended. Why wasn't I invited?" I smiled good-naturedly to let them know I was joking, but there was a pang of longing in my heart. It had been a long time since I had seen Mrs Weasley, and even longer Sirius; I missed my odd wizarding family.

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