Chapter 35

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~A/N~ jesus it's results day in 4 days and I'm SHAKING
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

In early October, the first real excitement of the year came. The original stress and joy of finding out what all the new subjects were about had worn off, and most people had quickly found that it was just extra work that they hated.

I found that Muggle Studies was the only subject I really hated, as I already knew all about muggles so the lessons were useless and just sucked up my free time and left me with so much more homework than I ever imagined possible.

Arithmancy was by far my favourite, as it was an interesting way of finding out the future that seemed plausible, unlike Divination, where Luke and I had found that the only way of getting high marks was to make up the most distressing answer which Professor Trelawney would lap up.

Nobody really liked Care of Magical Creatures, as after the incident with Buckbeak Hagrid had lost his confidence and the lessons had become really quite dull. We had spent a month learning how to look after Flobberworms, which didn't really do anything except lie around and eat cabbage.

Every Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson was interesting, as Lupin had proved to be the best teacher we had ever had, and it became many people's favourite subject. But anyway, back to the first excitement of the year.

I was sitting in the common room by the fire with Michael, Ashton, Calum and Ginny. Luke was at quidditch practice, training harder than ever now that he was a proper chaser, not just a reserve.

"You know there's the first Hogsmeade weekend soon?" Ashton said excitedly, and my eyes lit up.

"Really?" I was thrilled at my first opportunity to visit the wizard village. Fred and George had already regaled me with stories about it, and promised that as soon as we got the chance, they would take me to the joke shop to stock up on tricks and things to set off in the corridors.

"When is it?" asked Calum.

"Halloween," said Ashton. "It'll be great!"

"Not for me," Michael said sadly. "I can't go, remember?"

"Don't worry," Ginny said, snuggling into his side. "I can't go either, it's not open to second years. We can hang around together, probably with Harry since he's not going either."

"Thanks, Gin," Michael rested his head on her shoulder. "You're the best."

"Hey! Are you cheating on me?" Calum screeched playfully. "I knew there was something up with you!"

"Sorry Calum, it's me and Ginny now," Michael smirked, pecking the girl on the cheek.

"Ugh, fine, I guess I'll get with Leila instead," Calum groaned, pulling me into his side and ruffling my hair. I gulped nervously and caught Ginny smirking at me while Ashton lay on the floor laughing at the whole thing.

Before it could go any further, Luke burst into the common room and flopped down next to me, covered in sweat and mud - or was it rain?

"You smell like a dying goat," I said, and he pulled me into a hug, making me squeal and back up until I was practically sitting on top of Calum.

"What have you been up to?" Luke asked, falling back to his original position.

"Discussing the Hogsmeade weekend," Ashton told him. "It's on Halloween."

"Yay!" Luke laughed. "We can all go together!"

"Not me," complained Michael, stretching out across the carpet. "I'll just be here... Alone..."

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