Chapter 5

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~A/N~ Sorry if I overwhelmed anyone by introducing so many characters last chapter... They're all in the book except the boys and Leila, so if you're a big Potterhead you'll probably already be familiar with them, but if you're not don't worry, it'll get easier.
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

A week into school, I had settled into a routine. My day started with Hermione waking me up at eight, her being the only one in the dormitory with an alarm clock. The two of us would get changed and go downstairs, where I would meet Luke, Calum, Ashton and Michael in the common room, and we would all go down to breakfast together, often with Neville.

Today was no different. We were sat at breakfast (Hermione slightly apart from us because the boys didn't like her, but still close enough to talk to me - not that she usually did, her head was always in a book), when the post arrived.

"Kika!" I cried happily when I spotted my saw-whet owl swooping towards us, a few letters tied to her foot. Landing gracefully, she nipped my hand affectionately as I untied the letters and fed her a bit of my toast.

"Is that good for owls?" asked Michael with a raised eyebrow.

"It's just bread, isn't it?" frowned Ashton. "Birds eat bread, it won't hurt her."

"Alright then," Michael shrugged in reply. "You're the clever one."

This was something we had quickly established. Ashton and I were the two 'clever ones', studious and top in every subject, as well as Hermione. Calum was about middle of the class while Luke and Michael were at the bottom.

"Don't worry, Michael," said Calum. "We haven't had potions yet; You could be amazing at that."

"Ugh, we have that today," Luke groaned, "and we have Snape. Just kill me already."

I nodded in agreement, tearing open the first letter. It was from my little sister, Sofiyah - I could already tell from the messy, squiggly handwriting on the outside. From what I read, she hadn't already seen the first letter that I sent on the second day of term describing the school.

Dear Leila,
Is Hogwarts fun? I think I want to be a wizard but mummy says that I might not be, but I think she's wrong because I made the toast properly yesterday so it must be magic. Zara says that magic is stupid, and I said she's stupid but she slapped me. Can you do a spell that turns her into a frog please? But not forever because that would be mean. Just for a day so she learns her lesson.
I think she's happier now you've gone. She's come out of her room and she even ate the toast I made yesterday but she put the bad jam on it. You know, the raspberry one. I think that one's evil, can you do a spell that makes it disappear or turn into strawberry? I like strawberry, that's the best one isn't it Leila?
Please teach me how to do magic when you come home!!!
Love, Sofiyah

I giggled at my sister's letter, causing the boys to look at me questioningly. I passed it to Ashton, who scanned it quickly and burst out laughing then passed it to Luke and Calum, then Michael, who ended up in hysterics.

"I wish I had a little sister," snorted Michael.

"No you don't," I warned. "She might be funny sometimes, but she's super annoying and a pain to look after."

The next letter was from Naadiya, asking about Hogwarts in the most excited tone writing could convey. I chuckled before ripping open the following, which jingled as I tipped it onto the table. Out of the envelope fell a few galleons (explaining the weight), and another slip of paper, this one with much less writing than the others.

"Aw, lucky!" complained Luke. It was no secret that his family was very poor, so he never got money.

"You can have it, if you want," I said after reading the slip of paper. "It was sent with no love from my older sister."

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