Chapter 39

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~A/N~ Anyways I figured I'd publish two on one day because I've been publishing for a year and a half and there are 121 chapters overall so I'd better get a move on and stop leaving like a month in between
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

"Kika!" I welcomed my owl back onto my outstretched arm and she hooted in greeting, nibbling me affectionately before swooping over to Salem.

"Feeling the love?" Luke chuckled, stroking his own owl as I glared at mine for so quickly abandoning me. Strutting over to Kika, I quickly untied the letter attached to her foot like an ankle monitor assigned by the police. With this image in my head, my subconscious decided it would not be good news.

And it wasn't.

Dear Leila,
I'm sorry, but neither of you can come back for the holidays as I have a conference in Costa Rica and your father will be away in Scotland with Clive for a good portion of the holiday, leaving only Zara to look after you, Naadiya and Sofiyah. As I am aware the two of you don't get along, it's probably best you stay in school for the holidays and then you and Michael can keep each other company.
You like it better than home anyway.
Naadiya misses you. So does Sofiyah, a bit.
Love, mum

And she wondered why I didn't write often.

It was quite a typical situation for my family, actually. My mother often had conferences away, and my father took any opportunity to go on hiking holidays with his best (and only) friend Clive in the mountains, so Zara would look after us and I would spent as much time away from the lonely house as possible.

"Guess we're staying," I sighed, not disappointed yet not particularly overjoyed, as I shoved the note in a pocket of my robes.

"Aw, come here," Luke pulled me into a hug, which I didn't really need yet welcomed, as I always did at physical contact. "I might stay too, then."

"You don't need to, I'll have Michael," I protested but he cut me off.

"I know, but I don't want to stay with my grandparents. It smells like cheese."

I chuckled at that and we began the strenuous climb down the stairs from the Owlery.

"Hogsmeade weekend is coming up," announced Luke as we ambled into the common room with Michael now in tow, the three of us jumping around like overexcited children on their birthday. Having been informed that he would be staying with two of his friends for Christmas, he was in a very cheerful mood that was quite contagious; not even the mention of Hogsmeade affected him.

I always found Michael's mood to be as catching as viruses - if he was sad, I would be sad, and if he was happy (which in this instance he was) my day would instantly brighten.

Tapping Calum on the shoulder, who seemed to be having an intensely deep conversation with Ginny that sent a current of jealousy sparking through my veins, I smiled.

"Oh yeah, Hogsmeade!" Ginny said dramatically giving Calum a meaningful looked and I stared at her suspiciously.

"Have any of you got dates?" Ashton also remarked loudly, looking up from where he was perched on the arm of a tatty sofa, seemingly engrossed in his book. He also sent Calum a pointed look, and I shifted my gaze to him.

"No, we're all just going together like usual aren't we?" Luke looked confused. "Why would I get a date?"

"No, I just thought it would be something new," said Ashton far too innocently. "After all, most people our age are going in pairs."

"Leila, you've not got a date, have you?" asked Ginny, mischief dancing behind her eyes.


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